Inside Redbox is the #1 "Unofficial" Redbox Online Community for Redbox Codes, News and more. Inside Redbox is not affiliated with Redbox Automated Retail, LLC.

As you may be aware, last month Redbox changed the way they are distributing their monthly first monday promo codes. Now they are only sent via text message to those signed up for their SMS network, and the codes are all unique so they cannot be shared.
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If that wasn’t bad enough, things got worse today…

It looks like some glitch in the Redbox system has prevented codes from being sent to most subscribers, and those who are receiving text messages, are getting no codes at all, but just a nice blank message.

Let us know if you got your code, or if you are a victim of this error.
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Personally, I don’t see the purpose of making one-time use codes that are only good for a single day, but I am sure Redbox is testing and if this doesn’t work out (like today), perhaps they will return to a more simple system.

BTW, if you do get a one-time use code that you do not plan to use, feel free to post it here!

325 Responses to “Redbox Free Movie Monday for Jan 2010 – Oops!”

  1. Member [Join Now]
    Alan Smithee [8traxrule]

    I didn’t get a text message, didn’t even remember there was supposed to be one today.

  2. Visitor [Join Now]
    Lee in SA, TX [visitor]

    I got mine, but was too busy to retrieve a movie. Was down near a RedBox kiosk around 11pm local, but just forgot. Darn! My fault entirely.

  3. Visitor [Join Now]
    Samson's Mom [visitor]

    We have 3 cell phones in our family and 2 out of the 3 got their codes.

  4. Visitor [Join Now]
    Leslie [visitor]

    I received my code; however, it was at 8:30 pm and there was no way I was going back out into the freezing cold and go across town to use it. That would be a waste of time, because I would not have been able to watch the movie since I have work on Tuesday and would not have had time to watch the movie. I would have used the code had I got it as late as 3pm.

  5. Member [Join Now]

    I don’t text so no codes, not so happy about that.

  6. Member [Join Now]
    Patty [patty]

    I received one text message with no code. Then another text with the code an hour later!

  7. Visitor [Join Now]
    Apryl [visitor]

    We do not text. Not everyone does texting. We have a prepaid cell phone and it doesn’t have all the fancy gadgits on it. It takes forever to text a message! I would prefer the code via the internet or the way they did send them. AND it would be nice to get the codes early in the day. They often came later, after I was done running for the day.

  8. Member [Join Now]

    Two cell phones and no code this month or last month either. This sucks.

  9. Visitor [Join Now]
    Teresa [visitor]

    I don’t text on my TracFone, so I didn’t sign up. If they continue with the one-time/single person use code, then I’d rather get it via email early in the day. That way I have a chance to use it.

  10. Visitor [Join Now]
    theresa lynch [visitor]

    i dont have text messaging so i feel that im being cheated out of my free movie..why cant they just send you and email with a one time use for those who dont have a cell phone with texting//

  11. Visitor [Join Now]
    Deborah [visitor]

    Got my code but at 5:30 pm.
    I was not going back out into cold either.
    Now if it was at lunchtime, I would have used it.
    They need to send out in the morning hours.

  12. Visitor [Join Now]
    Bill [visitor]

    I don’t have a cell phone, so no more free codes for me. Bummer

  13. Visitor [Join Now]
    Jen G [visitor]

    I received my code via text but, like others, I didn’t receive it until well into the evening and pointless to go back out again. It made me a little disappointed in the new code “system” because if they’re not sent out in a timely fashion, I’m not wasting the gas to go back out into the bitter cold just to use me code.

  14. Visitor [Join Now]
    Ashleigh [visitor]

    I got my code at about 3:30 yesterday.

  15. Member [Join Now]
    TheRulingQueen [therulingqueen]

    My code worked!! Maybe it will for someone else too!! 662N5VQ GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!

  16. Visitor [Join Now]
    Kelli [visitor]

    I got the code… but it came VERY late… so i had to go out in to the freezing cold ( negitive degree weather here in Minnesota,) to go get the movie. And the only reason I did was becuase there are two red boxes three blocks from my house… other wise it would have been to late to go out. But needless to say… i would have liked to get the code earllier then 6pm. This needs to change for sure. They need to be sent out in the AM for sure. That way you can get the movie after work and have time to watch it. Also sence it is a one time code for you dont you think you should be able to use the code when ever you like in the month, and when you use it then it is done?!?!?!

  17. Visitor [Join Now]
    UBM [visitor]

    For all those who saved redbox money yesterday by not redeeming your
    codes, congrats you fattened the company’s bottom line.

    Think about it, most didn’t get their codes until after 5pm
    (I got mine at 5:30pm on the drive home, so I was able to stop
    and use mine)…..Early morning release of the codes would
    have meant more people using them, which means less revenue
    generated. This way, more revenue is generated as less people
    used codes yesterday.

    • Member [Join Now]
      TexasStorm [texasstorm]


      They did not receive more revenue by sending the codes out late as the people who didn’t go, didn’t go. Some people rent an extra one or two movies with their free one, so they probably lost revenue. In addition, they lost revenue on those people that don’t return the DVD the next day and pay late fees. They don’t make revenue by HOLDING DVDs in their Kiosks.

      UBM [visitor]
      Thumb up 0 Thumb down 0
      January 5, 2010 at 6:19 am

      For all those who saved redbox money yesterday by not redeeming your
      codes, congrats you fattened the company’s bottom line.

      Think about it, most didn’t get their codes until after 5pm
      (I got mine at 5:30pm on the drive home, so I was able to stop
      and use mine)…..Early morning release of the codes would
      have meant more people using them, which means less revenue
      generated. This way, more revenue is generated as less people
      used codes yesterday.

      • Visitor [Join Now]
        rb [visitor]

        Sorry UBM, but I totally agree with TexasStorm. I don’t have texting to start with BUT if the old Redbox weekly or monthly code had been received yesterday, I would have used it yesterday. However, today it’s snowing and I won’t be going anywhere until at least tomorrow–so Redbox would have gotten money/revenue from me. Think this happens to many when Redbox had the general weekly/monthly Monday code that all could use. For one reason or other, the customer would use the code to get a movie but then for one reason or the other could not or forgot to return the movie by Tuesday–thus revenue generated for Redbox. I think the bigger revenue generating thing was when customers used the general Monday code and then went to return the movie at the kiosks on Tuesday–thus face to face with kiosks picture ads for all the new release Tuesday dvds at the kiosks. Face to face with new release ads I’m sure tempted a lot of impulsive customers to then rent 1 or 2 new releases while at the kiosks–thus much more revenue generated.

  18. Member [Join Now]
    Magman [magman]

    I had recieved a text with a code but, when went to use it was no good!

  19. Member [Join Now]
    TexasStorm [texasstorm]

    I received mine late last night (8 PM or so) and was not going to go back out in the cold to pick up a movie. My brother in Minnesota also received his about 8:30PM and was not going back out to get a movie so he was going to give his to me, but I wasn’t going back out. It did not work well this Monday – perhaps they can fix the glitches.

  20. Visitor [Join Now]
    Charlene [visitor]

    I received my 2nd texted message with code around 3:30 pm in Ohio. Was lucky I was out in the evening and did get my free Movie. Yahhh… Strange way to do this. Love the free codes… Sorry not making a lot of money these days and this is a treat. Definately agree that the code should be sent out early in the day. Thanks Redbox

  21. Member [Join Now]

    I don’t have a cell phone so no more free movies for me. Oh well, I guess i’ll have to blast open my wallet and pry $1.07 out to rent a DVD.

  22. Visitor [Join Now]
    barbara [visitor]

    Received my code late yesterday. Would have used it if it came earlier, but I was already in my pajamas and live in frigid Chicago! Was not getting dressed and go out again. Is this sending late texts a scam? I also prefer the email notices rather than the texts. This sucks. I’ll go to the library today and get 10 free dvd’s for a week.

  23. Member [Join Now]

    I, like Patty, received 1 text that had no code and about 90 minutes later received a text with code.

  24. Visitor [Join Now]
    barbara [visitor]

    I was home in my pajamas and live in frigid Chicago when I received my late text. I was not getting dressed again and go out. I hate the texting and prefer the email. Is sending out late texts a scam? I will go to my library today and get 10 free dvds for 7 days.

  25. Visitor [Join Now]
    StopWhining [visitor]

    Stop whining!

  26. Member [Join Now]

    I received a text about noon with NO code, then got another about 8 pm
    WITH code. Did not use it because, by then, it was too late to go out. Hope this is not going to be ‘standard procedure’..?? If so, I’ll switch to Blockbuster since I’m seeing lots of their new boxes around town lately…..

  27. Member [Join Now]
    CODell [codell]

    I got the text with no code also it just said you’re free redbox rental code: . & the rest saying how it’ll expire at midnight…I did not get the next text with a code until probably 5 hours later…I don’t mind getting the text at all to me it’s better than email.

  28. Visitor [Join Now]
    sinnastarr73 [visitor]

    i recived 2 texts from red box 1 was blank one had the code unfortunately i recived the one with the code at 8:45 pm so i could not use it. i am upset that redbox is issuing one time use codes i rent 3-4 movies nightly from them ( we have 6 kids so mivies help to keep the peace), i am hoping that they go back to the old way of sending codes and stop this one time use b.s.
    thank you
    an angry texas redbox family

  29. Visitor [Join Now]
    tom dressler [visitor]


  30. Visitor [Join Now]
    Judy [visitor]

    I got my code after 6, but the selections aren’t very good right now so I watched a movie from my home collection instead.

  31. Member [Join Now]

    i didnt get mine……..

  32. Member [Join Now]

    I got 3 txt messages. One was blank and the other two were good codes. Same thing for my wife, so we ended up with 4 free movies. Oh well, not my fault. For those who do not have text messaging phone. Try using Google Voice to receive you text message. It is free.

  33. Member [Join Now]
    Dominick324 [dominick324]

    Where do i sign up so that when i get the code it will be too late to use

  34. Visitor [Join Now]
    shudderette [visitor]

    I signed up but no code. I even walked past a redbox at 11am and wished I’d had a code to get a movie. Nothing that looked good came out this past week so I wasn’t going to waste my own money but we could have watched something outside our normal realm if it was free.

  35. Visitor [Join Now]
    SpriteCity [visitor]

    The first one had a message but no code.
    Another came much later in the day and included the code.

  36. Visitor [Join Now]
    Amy [visitor]

    I got my code about 5:30pm. But I didn’t get back out to use it. :( It should come out early in the morning.

  37. Visitor [Join Now]
    strohmoose [visitor]

    Received the text but no code so I used ACME25 and got 3 DVD’s!

  38. Visitor [Join Now]
    D. Kashless [visitor]

    I got my code about 8pm, before it always come about 10-11am, and I was already home so I didn’t go back out to use it.

  39. Visitor [Join Now]
    Debra [visitor]

    I never got my code yesterday only a blank one in the AM. I called Redbox a few mins ago & asked if I could have a one time code for today since there was a glich in the system & not everyone received codes & those who did received them way late & prolly didn’t get to use them. The lady told me that they couldn’t give a promo code for this because the promo codes they give out last for 45 days not the one day like the Monday code. How ridiculous! Talk about cheap skates! So I will not ever get another redbox movie again since they are too cheap to give out a free code. Funny how it used to be every Monday & they were encouraging us to share them then went to only the first Monday then went to the first Monday & code only worked once. They obviously were losing money since a lot of people have more than one credit card & could get several movies every week.

  40. Visitor [Join Now]
    Barb [visitor]

    Got text at 10:49 am with no code. New text with code came at 4:58 PM. I was already home and didn’t end up using the code.l