Inside Redbox is the #1 "Unofficial" Redbox Online Community for Redbox Codes, News and more. Inside Redbox is not affiliated with Redbox Automated Retail, LLC.

Well, another week has gone by here at InsideRedbox and it is time
to look at the new movies for the week. But first…


I watched 3 movies this past week: School of Life, King Kong and

School of Life and Dreamer are both great movies for the whole
family; while King Kong lives up to its predecessor and is filled
with great effects and emotion.

School of Life is about a middle school and a teacher who
wants to make a difference. There is a great lesson in this movie,
even beyond just applying to school. If you haven’t seen it, and
you want to be inspired, check it out.

Dreamer is another great family movie about a young girl and a
horse she loves. Will the horse be a champion even against all
odds. You will have to watch it to find out…

King Kong has gotten rave reviews and did great at the box office.
While it is a tad long, and seems a bit slow to start, it is great
for action and drama. Check it out.


OK, there are quite a few new movies being released today. They
are: Lost, Mortuary, Prince & Me 2, Irish Jam, and Mrs. Henderson

Once again, I will have to admit to knowing nothing about any of
them except for Lost, which I have heard really good things about.
So, why don’t you check them out and let us know what you thought.


There were quite a few new codes released this week, so make sure
you visit the codes page and check them out.

Click Here for Redbox Codes

So, get out there and rent some movies, and make sure you come back
and report on the codes that are working and those that are not.

Have a great week!


PS: And again, stay tuned for some exciting new features coming
very soon to the site. You will stay more up to date AND be able
to keep better track of movies you have seen (and want to see).
Great things are in store for you at

One Response to “Weekly Redbox Update – Movies, Codes and More”

  1. Visitor [Join Now]
    t.rex [visitor]

    I think your postings are great. Just long enough. I’ve already read all the movie reviews from or other sites, but I like to hear your take on them. Keep up the good work.