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Monday Promo Code – May 4, 2009

Here is your promo code, good at any Redbox for today only…


Expires tonight (Mon, May 4) at midnight Central Time.

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78 Responses to “Monday Promo Code – May 4, 2009”

  1. Member [Join Now]
    TabethaC [tabethac]

    I just got it too. probably won’t be using them very often now. This is very sad.

  2. Member [Join Now]

    I just got the email too. I’m bummed. I haven’t used a Monday code in a while, But it was nice to know they were always there if you needed one. Boooooo Redbox!!!!!

  3. Member [Join Now]
    MyBlueNovember [mybluenovember]

    Since the codes started slowing down I have felt this was coming. It is sad, but I am very thankful for ever having free codes. Too bad they couldn’t find a way to have codes that work just for certain movies or after a certain amount of time, like if they didn’t want codes used on movies the first week or on Big Movies and only have codes that work for generic B movies, they should find a way to do it. I will now probably only rent a movie that I am pretty sure I will like.

  4. Member [Join Now]

    Very sad to see the free Monday codes come to an end. It allowed me and my kids to rent movies we otherwise would never have seen. Some good, some bad, some a waste of time and the materials they were burned on.

    I will now become more aware of the interest I have in seeing a particular movie. Even a dollar is too much to pay for some of the “movies” (being kind here) Redbox has stocked in their machines. I can only hope they will be able to stock more of the higher quality movies that otherwise were never in a Redbox kiosk.

    Thanks to all who have helped pass on the codes, and to Redbox for providing the codes.

  5. Visitor [Join Now]
    Shawn [visitor]

    Yeah it is a real sad that they are doing away with the code. Lets hope Redbox will not driven everyone else out of bizz to just then change their customer level and who knows then raise their prices. It was nice to have for the time, just hope Redbox stays true to their service and doesn’t get to GREEDY!

  6. Visitor [Join Now]
    Hiedi [visitor]

    I’ve used the monday free codes every monday now for the longest time to supplement my netflix movies.

    Some where great, some weren’t worth the stuff they were printed on.

    But every monday I would use them to watch movies I’d never think to watch. Not to mention the fact that around paydays I’d pick up an extra movie, sometimes 2, depending on the mood I was in while I was there on a Monday. Well, no more free codes I guess I won’t be stopping as often, if ever. The monday free codes was the only reason I ever stopped at redbox to begin with.

  7. Visitor [Join Now]
    Jane [visitor]

    Does having the free Monday code listed for everyone to see affect the fact that they no longer are offering “Free Monday”? every Monday, but once a month. I never realized that the Monday Codes were all the same. Sometimes we do these things to ourselves by in a sense being dishonest and not following the rules of the game that Redbox did set up. They were being nice, and people took advantage of that, and now, everyone is paying the consequence.

    • Visitor [Join Now]
      rb [visitor]

      Don’t think so. This is one of several sites to share Redbox promo codes so of course everyone needs to ‘see’ the ‘shared’ codes to be able to have/use them. Around 3 weeks back there was a Texas tv station video interview with a Redbox Rep/spokesperson who said that Redbox is ‘thrilled’ that there are so many people/sites sharing their Redbox promo codes. In effect, Redbox was ‘thrilled’ because it knew that sharing of codes got the word out about Redbox. Sharing=word of mouth=free or at least cheap publicity for Redbox. Maybe it’s not in one person’s budget to rent a $1 video, but if that person has/uses a promo code, enjoys the dvd, spreads the word about Redbox kiosks to others who aren’t living paycheck to paycheck–well that made both paycheck to paycheck patron and Redbox ‘thrilled’. Now, with only one monthly code, paycheck to paycheck person is definitely less ‘thrilled’….

      • Visitor [Join Now]
        rb [visitor]

        ALERT! This paycheck 2 paycheck patron is ‘thrilled’ with Redbox today! While at Walmart, just tried the MCDLEX55 code that’s listed on this site’s Redbox Codes–and it worked! Not a 1x code. Enjoy.

  8. Visitor [Join Now]
    Jax [visitor]

    Do you know that you can rent free kids movies every day of the week? On Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday for every new movie you get, you can get a free 5 nite $1 movie!! There is also a “live” person there to talk to and they are all very friendly. I would never think about using redbox, but if the convience is all your after I suppose it works for you.