Redbox just released a Press Release regarding free movie Monday’s. Check out the full release below…
Oakbrook Terrace, Ill. – The redbox Free Movie Monday promotion, inviting consumers to receive a free rental code via text message every Monday, will be extended through August.
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Originally slated to end May 11, redbox will extend the promotion due to consumer popularity and will transition from a weekly free code to a monthly free code.The Free Movie Monday monthly code will be distributed via text on the first Monday of every month, beginning June 1. To register or view promotion details, go to The last Free Movie Monday weekly rental code will be distributed May 11.
“Our free rental code promotions are a great tool to raise awareness and trial of redbox and to encourage consumers to experience the convenience of our DVD rental kiosks,” said Mitch Lowe, president, redbox. “Due to the positive feedback the promotion has received from our consumers and the press, we are going to extend the promotion through the summer.”
Consumers can opt-in to receive information on redbox promotions by registering at
Redbox is available at more than 15,000 locations nationwide, including select McDonald’s® restaurants, leading grocery and convenience stores, and Walmart and Walgreens stores in select markets. The company has served millions of customers and has rented more than 380 million DVDs to date.
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Each fully automated redbox kiosk holds approximately 700 DVDs, representing up to 200 of the newest movie releases. Consumers simply use a touch screen to select their favorite movies, swipe a valid credit or debit card and go. Customers can keep the DVD for as long as they’d like for $1 per night plus tax, and return it to any one of redbox’s more than 15,000 locations nationwide. After 25 nights, rental charges cease and the DVD is the customer’s to keep.
For added convenience, consumers also can visit to choose their DVD online and pick it up immediately at the redbox location of their choice.
About Redbox
Redbox Automated Retail, LLC offers new release DVD rentals for $1 per night through its network of conveniently located, self-service kiosks. Redbox is available at more than 15,000 locations nationwide, including select McDonald’s restaurants, leading grocery and convenience stores, and Walmart and Walgreens locations in select markets. Redbox Automated Retail, LLC is wholly-owned by Coinstar, Inc. (NASDAQ: CSTR), a multi-national company offering a range of 4th Wall® solutions for retailers’ front of store. For more information about redbox, visit
Anyone know if this monthly Monday free code will be one time use only?
Yes, one time use only. The email they sent said there would be 3 codes through the summer which would save customers a total of $3.
I’m surprised it lasted for as long as it did. It was fun while it lasted and I very much appreciate all those freebies!
I’m confused, the article states: The redbox Free Movie Monday promotion, inviting consumers to receive a free rental code via text message EVERY Monday, will be extended through August.
But then contradicts itself by saying: The Free Movie Monday MONTHLY code will be distributed via text on the first Monday of every month, beginning June 1. The last Free Movie Monday weekly rental code will be distributed May 11.
Does this mean you use the same “monthly code” for every monday during the month it was given?
It’s a rare occasion that a reporter gets ALL (or some) of the facts straight. I’d discount this article and put ALL my faith in the comments from the email that was sent directly from REDBOX – here is a paraphrased account:
* “Free Movie Mondays promotion is ending after May 11.”
–> Translated, no more codes EVERY Monday.
* “However, Redbox is going to keep the free flicks coming ONCE A MONTH throughout the summer, beginning June 1”
–> Translated, there will be monthly codes – but no more in the month of May after the 11th.
* “So start thinking about what you are going to do with those 3 extra dollars this summer…”
–> Translated, after May 11 there will be ONLY 3 MORE monthly codes – one in June, one in July, one in August. Then… free codes will just be a happy memory.
I think you’re right… although, to be fair, there’s no reporter here to get facts right or wrong. This was a press release straight from Redbox. Press releases are rarely written very well.
Oh, good call! I saw the opening that said “Oakbrook Terrace, Ill. – ” and assumed it came from an outside source.
Thank you for the reply. I have never used Redbox before but we just got one in a supermarket by us and I am going to check it out. Even without free movies I don’t think anyone can beat $1.00 rentals, unless they like to keep their movies for a while. Thanks again.
You’re welcome! And you’re absolutely right – it’s hard (nearly impossible?) to find new releases for $1 per night. I was a HUGE fan of Redbox before I found out about the free codes.
To “The Turnip”,
You are one cool dude! I couldn’t have explained it any better than you did. You took the time to explain it to “Dgaiti”. You’re OK in my book!!
Hey, thanks – how nice!
I think you’re right about everything except the “3 months” of monthly codes left. I just went to the Redbox home page and it states and I quote: “Get a promo code sent to your phone on the first Monday of every month.” So it sounds like it’s going to be a code for the first Monday of EVERY month from now on not just the next 3 months, at least I sure hope so! Even if they stop the free codes completely you still can’t hardly beat $1 rentals!
EXCELLENT call, Eagle Eye, it sure does say exactly that so I really hope I’m wrong! :) However, it doesn’t explicitly say “from now on” so I suspect the claim may be an advertisement to hook the newbies (yeah, I’m a cynic.) I bet there is also plenty of legalize in the Terms and Conditions that says “anything we say may or may not be exactly what we said.” LOL! This is a tough call – normally I would say today’s email would supersede anything posted on the main page of a website (something that often lags behind the latest news), but since the website also got a major overhaul today it should be up-to-date, too. Looks like we need a tie-breaker! :)
No matter what – I agree with what you said – where else can you get a new release for a buck?!?!
Don’t be ridiculous. OF COURSE the email takes precedence over the “every month” statement on the website. “Every month” doesn’t mean “forever”, it means “until we change it” which they have announced will be in September.
It’s no different than any promotion by any company, no promotion goes on forever. And it can be changed or teminated at any time. The only way a company can be legally required to hold to their previously stated terms for a given time frame is if you were required to purchase something from them to participate, and obviously this promotion isn’t like that.
Why don’t they just say that?
THIS post ‘should be archived’ or pinned…
Will Insider Red Box post the code for those of us (few) who do not have text?
I don’t think so. I e-mailed them about that and this is what I got back.
Thank you for your email. That is correct, [codes only sent my text] but if you have friends that do receive the promo code they can give it to you.
If you have any additional questions, comments, or concerns, please let us know and anyone in customer service would be more than happy to assist you.
Thank you,
Ha Le
Redbox Customer Care
I don’t text and adding texting to my phone plan would cost me $30 a month and that defeats the free code idea big time!
WRONG AGAIN!! Insideredbox WILL almost certainly post the codes just like they do now. The reason you got that response was because you emailed the WRONG people! When will people learn to READ? It says directly where you posted this comment that Insideredbox is NOT affiliated with Redbox! You emailed Redbox the company NOT Insideredbox! Once again people that don’t know what they’re talking about shouldn’t be giving out advice or info!
Chii, your gonna stroke out dude.
This is stupid because RedBox is making so much money it’s not even funny. But I’m glad it lasted as long as it did. Maybe I’ll just have to go back to Blockbuster Total Access or Netflix?
Go ahead and go back, I prefere to rent 5 movies verses 1 for $5
I prefer to go to get my new movie every tuesday when they come out and return the one from last week the same day I rent the new one. I can do that at Blockbuster. It will cost me $7 to do it at redbox. Unless of course my kiosk is within walking distance.
Cool for you… I hope you are satisfied with you life.
Anonymous, well said. LOL. I hope you too are satisfied with you life. “Anonymous”
if everyone that has used the free codes, never pays for any rentals after they stop,they will bring the codes back. Redbox thinks they have us hooked now, and that we will spend money, Just quit using them for a little while and the free codes will come back.
Really? Don’t you think they need to make enough money to succeed? Don’t be so greedy. That’s what ruins most good deals!
I’m with Eric on this one as most of the movies redbox has been getting of late are crap and there are so few of the big movies now I’ll probably drop from once a week to only the free codes as I’m not willing to spend even a dollar on the crap movies tat have been coming in and when there rental rates plummet they will restore the promo codes, as i’m sure we all agree much of there money is made off people returning the movie late.
I agree, what happened to the real new releases. I don’t care about the free code, I’d rather pay 1$ to get new stuff, than get junk for free
Seriously? People, it’s $1.
How ’bout instead of whining you send ’em a thank you letter for all the free movies and quite possibly STILL the cheapest, most convenient rental service available.
Thanks Redbox.
Ya, and with that thank you letter, send them an extra dollar for every code you used. Then shoot a thank you letter off to wal-mart every time you notice they have something cheaper then your local store, and so on and so on and so on. You think redbox gives out free codes as charity? Get a life tdogg. They run a business and it is not non profit. Thank them? Screw them and you. I am the consumer. I don’t thank you for you letting me buy or rent your product. You thank me. How’s that for whining?
I don’t know about the rest of you, but I still have many McDonald’s Redbox Promo Codes off of their large drinks. I mean A LOT! They do expire at the end of September though…
Would you be willing to share some of the red box free codes, since you have so many?
I expected more people would have also taken advantage of the McDonald’s thing but I guess not. You would have as many as me if you did so. I have many friends that have already asked for them so sorry Jennifer.
Also, in response to John Las Vegas below, I TRIPLE CHECKED them and I confirm that they expire 9/30/09 (September 30, 2009) These are all from MO so I don’t know what codes you are talking about.
They expired March 31st. Sorry
I’ll be honest. I really enjoyed the free code every Monday. But I’ll add if there were more good movies released than what I had a free code for, then I would spend the (1) buck for each one I really wanted to see.
I just won’t take a chance on a loser for a buck. I’m retired and live on a budget. Whereas before, if it was free, I would take a chance on a movie I wasn’t familiar with.
So I’ll be seeing less movies than I did before, but won’t stop cause they took away the freebie “every” week.
It’s still cheaper than BB & Netflix.
Whereas before, if it was free, I would take a chance on a movie I wasn’t familiar with…………What chance exactly are you taking if the movie is free? Chance of wasting your 1.5 hours watching it? You are retired sitting at home waiting for free redbox codes to come out on monday,6 days after the release of the movie. Chance? I think you are using the word wrong here.
Hey John,
Being retired doesn’t mean that a person sits on their butt and watches movies all day…… Lazy people who don’t work do that……… I’m outside most of the day doing errands for myself and my neighbors that “can’t”. I also walk a couple of my friends dogs while they are at work. I keep busy doing odd jobs so that I “don’t” just sit around.
When I said I would take a chance on a movie I wasn’t familiar with when it was free, meant, I wasn’t sure I would like it cause I didn’t recognize the actors and wasn’t sure if it went straight to DVD instead of coming from the theatre. Now that I’ll be renting for ($1) a buck a movie, I’ll probably stick to the movies that I’m familiar with and know came from the theatre and read a write-up on. KAPEECH!!????
But I still appreciate your comment to me!! Have a great day!!
You never answered my question to you………. Are you from Las Vegas?
He doesn’t need to answer where he lives, it isn’t safe to do that.
You tell ‘im!! Most retired people I know are almost busier than us that are still working. They just do different things.
I am from Las Vegas, I never said you were lazy. What I said is there is no CHANCE to take on a movie if it is always free.
BTW, you seem like a very decent person. I’m sorry if I offended you. There are so many complainers on this site, your post just caught me at a bad time.
Hey John Las Vegas,
Have you ever considered taking your own advice?
You tell people to “get a life” yet here you are playing the all-knowing internet macho man. You take stabs at retired people like they are unemployed and not trying. The funny thing is: you’re the one sitting at the computer all day flaming everyone and their comments. I really hope that saying all these condescending and self-righteous things to people increases the quality of your life.
I have no problems with people like Schnarr voicing their opinions, but when “people” like you decide to attack others… I’m going to call you out on it.
I would tell you to get a life, but I just realized that you are immortal. That would be counterproductive.
Bowing down graciously in the presence of a supreme being,
I Speak the Truth
P.S. – Thanks to InsideRedbox and its wonderful (at least for the most part) community for all that it has done.
I Speak the Truth,
Wasn’t your rant the exact thing you just ranted against?
Attacking others? I think not. I simply put it can not be considered taking a chance if there is no risk involved.
The fact that YOU would tell me to get a life doesn’t bother me at all. Feel free to post that in your next rant that is not actually a rant because you are ranting about someone else’s rant therefore it is ok.
As far as being condescending and self-righteous, if that is what you call someone who is sick and tired of all the cry babies here who won’t be getting their free codes. I’ll take it.
As far as Supreme Being goes, I think not. Although I am not a religious person, I still know enough not to be so sacrilegious.
P.s. Insert suck up here so all will like me…. Thanks to all who post and make this site the best site in the world!
PS II. Scrolling back I didn’t see ONE productive comment from you here. Way to jump into it. And FYI, retired people are unemployed people. Kinda in the job description and it’s not a “stab” you moron, it is a “JAB”. See that was a jab at you. :-)
I think one of the main reasons they are quitting free movie mondays are the aholes that really abused it with like 10 credit cards or more. I mean come on, when people abuse a good thing it usually goes away eventually!
I’m taking the reason they are dropping the codes at face value by just what they said in the email:
“THE WORD IS OUT that you can take home new release DVDs for only a $1 per night from the big red box.”
Due to all our enthusiasm, those of us who rented just one freebie a week (or ten) told all our friends about Redbox, recommended it to others and taught them how to use the service. Free codes were a form of advertisement that worked perfectly.
Redbox has data that shows how many unique credit cards are renting x-number of movies. They have determined that they have their desired customer base and this is the right time to drop the “coupons.”
Don’t think.
If you had 50 credit cards to use each monday, just how many movies do you think come out at a time? And out of the 10 that do come out, maybe 2 are ones we have heard of.
I do NOT believe that the elimination of FREE MOVIE MONDAY CODES has anything to do with abuse. Redbox was going to stop giving out free Monday codes eventually, regardless of this so-called abuse. I personally believe that Redbox did not care that people with 5 different credit cards were getting 5 free movies on Mondays. I believe that Redbox’s main goal was to increase awareness of their business and to show how many movies were being rented to potential investors. Whether a movie was rented with a free promo code or whether someone paid $1.00 did NOT make a difference to Redbox initially. Their main goal was to show how many consumers were using their product. Think about it. Redbox has many different types of codes that they can issue. They have ONE TIME USE codes, general codes that anyone can use virtually anytime without an expiration date (DVDONME, BREAKROOM, REDBOX), store specific codes, holiday codes (although they have not issued one lately) which can be used by anyone for whatever duration of time Redbox chooses. Also, think about this one simple fact. Do you really think that Redbox was incapable of linking all of your credit cards to your name, address, and email address(s) so that you could use their Monday code only one time? I am pretty sure that Redbox could have prevented this from the very beginning. I am not saying that I am 100% postive about all of this, but I would find it very difficult to believe otherwise.
I still wonder how many more people they have drawn in using these every Monday codes. Everyone should have known this would not last forever when it began.
I was talking to a Redbox guy who was out fixing a Kiosk that wasn’t
working correctly near my house ( Kiosk would not accept rental returns
because some idiot stuck two movies in the return slot at the same time!),
and he told me that they were stopping the Free Monday codes due
to people abusing them. He also said that to be on the lookout
because come June, they are going to start cleaning up the customer
database and consolidating credit cards by billing address: the result,
no more two or three credit card households abusing the system,
if you have three cards tied to one billing address, then you it would
all be under one existing account, and all rentals would be limited via
account, not by credit card. (currently, if you have say three credit
cards, you could rent a max of 12 movies a night, 4 per card.
when it changes, it would go back to just 4 per household per night.)
He also told me that there had been
a rash of theft, that people were stealing DVDs by removing the sticker,
and putting those on blank store bought computer DVD-Rs trying to return
those to keep the movies, and they were going to start proseceuting
those criminals instead of just charging them for the movie like they do now.
He’s a real nice guy who always has to deal with this particular redbox
machine 1 mile from my house that is always jammed or broken,
so we talk often as i try to return to this one ( but not rent from)
due to convience.
I know their costs are going up…just two weeks ago the news reported
in our area that someone had been caught on survillance cameras
taking their pickup truck at a McDonalds, hooking a chain to the front of
a Redbox, and yanking the door off, making off with all the DVDs inside…..!
For a $1 a night, you’d think that would be a low enough price point,
that people wouldn’t steal dvds!!! but goes to show just how bad
living in America has become.
Kudos to Redbox, I’ll miss the free mondays, but it won’t stop
me from renting 2 to 3 discs a week like I do now, and have been
since first using them in 2008! I left Netflix, BB Total Access,
& HollyWood Video all for Redbox, and won’ be looking back.
Hopefully they’ll report record profits over the summer, and start carrying
more TV show discs ( besides Family Guy) and up their older movie selection.
If a kiosk can hold 500 discs ( is what Im told) then I’d love to
be able to select from 500 movies in stock when I went to the Redbox
Kiosk! only way for it to happen is for them to make a profit, so
more power to them!
I just knew that’s why they were discontinuing it, some people just have to abuse the heck out of something good and ruin it for everyone! That’s a real shame about the consolidating of credit cards by address though, looks like one free rental per month per customer. Oh well, at a dollar a movie that’s still a heck of a deal and one free movie per month is still cool.
And if you pick up the Sunday newspaper they all sorts of “deals” Including but not limited to DISCOUNTS ON HUNDREDS OF ITEMS in the form of a paper code called a coupon. You think $1 a month is cool, check out the coupons in the newspaper. Wow, you will be in Heaven!!!!
Like what newspaper are you referring to??
And what do you mean, ”Including but not limited to DISCOUNTS ON HUNDREDS OF ITEMS in the form of a paper code called a coupon”? Coupons for what??
Are you really from Vegas??
Schnarr? You type in “Schnarr” as your alias and you ask me if I am really from Vegas? LOL.
Please take a picture of the inside of the box if you get a chance, upload it to tinypics or some other public pics server and post a link. I always wonder what’s going on inside there.
And I think it’s going to take them the 3 months to upgrade their system so it can detect people using more than one card.
Hey Car, I came across this a few weeks ago and now you can see:
Reminder,… for those who have a Hannaford grocers in their area/state, the code 56mom is good from 5/10-5/16–but only at Hannaford grocery stores.
How stupid. If they are getting rid of the weekly codes because of abuse *AND* consolidating credit card numbers by address, wouldn’t that stop most abuse?
I never thought of that, but your 100% right! That doesn’t make sense. Good point!
The party is over and I am free to not watching that many bad movies now.
I do NOT believe that the elimination of FREE MOVIE MONDAY CODES has anything to do with abuse. Redbox was going to stop giving out free Monday codes eventually, regardless of this so-called abuse. I personally believe that Redbox did not care that people with 5 different credit cards were getting 5 free movies on Mondays. I believe that Redbox’s main goal was to increase awareness of their business and to show how many movies were being rented to potential investors. Whether a movie was rented with a free promo code or whether someone paid $1.00 did NOT make a difference to Redbox initially. Their main goal was to show how many consumers were using their product. Think about it. Redbox has many different types of codes that they can issue. They have ONE TIME USE codes, general codes that anyone can use virtually anytime without an expiration date (DVDONME, BREAKROOM, REDBOX), holiday codes (although they have not issued one lately) which can be used by anyone for whatever duration of time Redbox chooses. Also, think about this one simple fact. Do you really think that Redbox was incapable of linking all of your credit cards to your name, address, and email address(s) so that you could use their Monday code only one time? I am pretty sure that Redbox could have prevented this from the very beginning. I am not saying that I am 100% postive about all of this, but I would find it very difficult to believe otherwise.
Free Movie Mondays…it was good while it lasted!
I’m just curious…will the 3 upcoming monthly codes be sent ONLY via text message? I’m assuming that Inside Redbox (& Twitter) websites will have the codes available for those of us without text service. But, then you know what happens when you “assume!”
I’ve enjoyed the Free Monday and Free Wednesday codes for over a year now. It has helped me to see movies that I normally would not rent. The plus side for Redbox and the stores that sponsor the kiosks; whenever I go redeem my Free Code, my wife comes along, and she always spends $50, $100, or even more on shopping at that store. I get a little huffy, but then I remember that I’ve got free movie in my hand…ha ha ha…makes me laugh just thinking about it! Thanks, Redbox, for helping the economy move forward. Huzzah!
RE: she always spends $50, $100, or even more on shopping at that store.
Personally that is why I prefer the ones outside of Walgreens in my area (at least 3 surrounding me). We don’t ‘need’ to go in. I can rent the movie quickly and get out… without spending additional money :)
WTG PCNetGuy! There are no outdoor kiosks where I live, but maybe I’ll use the, “Honey, I’m gonna go put gas in the truck,” line. But I’ll be thinking of ya, PCNetGuy. Thanks. Chip out.
Thanks to ‘The Turnip’ for all the useful comments… Right on with my own perception.
Sorry to see them go. I echo the appreciation, and the sentiment that it will stop me from seeing some of the ‘bad movies’ I’ve seen lately.
Visit to see their best competition. Free codes there also, but Redbox has them beat many times over. Especially by being able to see the available movies in a particular kiosk!
RedBox is still the BEST yet!
If anyone’s worried about losing out on free monday rentals you could try your local library, mine has surprisingly good movies.
Something they could use as a perpetual promo… e-mail or credit the customer a free code for every so many movie rentals. Even done on each cc would be fair. And there are ways to set it up so there could be a “Use free code” option at the kiosk so you didn’t have to use it unless you wanted to so you could use them when you wanted to and not be forced to use it as soon as it was credited.
There would never be a reason to “save” a free code. If these were cash transactions maybe, but as everything goes on credit/debit the idea of saving up earned code credit would be just plain dumb.
Even thought the stop the weekly Monday code I will still buy
at Redbox,
for one thing, it has been putting more and more pressure
on Netflix to stop their unscrupulous tactics:
1. Holding back the mail, so less DVD’s a month are sent.
2. And also witholding new releases and sending them to
new customers that have not broken their 3 month initiation;
because after 3 months you will get the following happen
to your cue list for new releases:
“long wait” (which means about a month before you will see it.)
I still subscribe to the 3 dvd plan because they have such a large
database for older and foreign movies; that it is a real treat to
watch these.
But, as far as the pressure on Netflix, here is what has been happening:
I am now receivieving what is equivalent to a 4 plan (1-2 times
a month); which gives me 1 to 2 extra dvd’s.
I called Netflix’s consumer help about this,
and he said they want to make their customers happy.
Do you think RedFlix’s FREE promo codes has anything to do with it
love Redbox!!!
thanx redbox if it were not for the free codes i never would have tried redbox now i’m hooked wow but some people surprise me redbox charges $1 and give you 1 movie free a week now because they only want to give you one movie a month you would rather go back to blockbuster and spend $5 per movie that sounds real smart does’nt it!!!
My Block Buster has $1.00 a day rentals and NO taxes to pay. Belton, Missouri
from this site, today:
The Free Movie Monday monthly code will be distributed via text on the first Monday of every month, beginning June 1. To register or view promotion details, go to The last Free Movie Monday weekly rental code will be distributed May 11.
The BlockBuster stores in my area have $1 a night rental, CATALOG only,
and they charge sales tax. :-(
Thanks to all who posted thus far. Yes, it didn’t occur to me to use
my cell phone to take a picture, but since I was getting so much
“insider baseball” i didn’t want to be percieved as rude and
take pictures also.
again, I went by the always constant broken machine 3 blocks from my house,
and the Redbox Guy was there this morning, unjamming it again.
I mentioned to him I saw the blog blurb about the consolidating cc’s
and acknowledged his heads up. He also gave me more info on the
7eleven deal, and that since our 7eleven’s in OK are a franchise and
not part of the coprorate chain, we main not get Redboxes in our
7eleven’s here ( bummer!), but most of our Walgreens are corporate,
so we will see more Walgreens machines!! (YEA!) he also said they are getting ready to hire more techs, and told me to apply ( becasue he knows
from our conversations that I’m an IT Administrator).
I don’t think you have to be in IT to do the job ( this guy used to be
a mechanic before coming to work for RB), but yes, you have to know
Windows, as the machines run on WIN XP programs.
Lunch in an hour, and thinking about what to use my last weekly coupon on,
any suggestions? :)
Redbox Corporate Bean Counters: “Oh my god!!! All the local NEWS channels have reported on the Monday codes! Everyone knows about them now! The Internet wasn’t big enough, but the local NEWS, now that’s a big problem!
Quick!! SHUT THAT THING DOWN!!!! OMFG!!!!! ”
Voice from way in the back: “but… they’re going to scream….”
Corporate Bean Counters: “OK, so we’ll give them $3 more dollars worth and slowly ramp this thing down, I want to continue to get my million dollar bonuses and live in that big house up on the hill, SCREW THOSE INTERNET BASTARDS! And… RESTRICT THOSE F-ING CARDS!!! GET ON IT NOW!”
Another voice: “yes sir, whatever you say”
Another voice grumbling silently way in the back: “stupid, throwing baby away with bath water… there goes all the customers….”
Internet people (are thinking): “downloads sure sound good about now, why should I spend $2 in gas round trip plus return when I can sit on my fat ass and get a lot more movies. Now… where’s that stealth P2P program I had a year ago? ”
Redbox was nice while it lasted.
And.. From the Redbox FAQ “Did Free Movie Mondays change? Yes. The last weekly Free Movie Mondays code will be sent on May 11th, and codes will be sent on the first Monday of every month through the summer starting on June 1st.”
Car is right. It is all about corporate greed. New people are running the business and they need the fat wallets to get fatter. I have not visited a Circuit City since they screwed over thier employees years ago due to corporate greed. A free weekly rental got me more interested in spending a few dollars a week at a local redbox, without the motivation I’ll be visiting much less. I doubt I’m the only one and although Redbox will continue to make money they will start to see a decrease. American greed kills all good things in our counrty.
That is a very immature post, with very little logical thinking having gone into it. Are you sure your Daddy doesn’t know you stole his credit card to get free movies from Redbox?
I agree with Mark. It may not seem like very much that they’re gaining from removing the Monday promo codes, but the reasons they did it were:
– To attract people to Redbox who have never heard of it (which they’ve successfully done)
– To give people a favorable opinion of Redbox
They are still having the monthly promo codes, so just relax a bit. Plus I’m sure there is probably somewhere around a million plus people who use these promo codes every week, and I’m sure if you added it all up with the way the economy is (people probably renting fewer than usual), this is a good way to get some extra money to remain profitable and expand. Plus I’m sure many people abuse the codes and use multiple cards to rent, so thats even more money they’re losing.
Be appreciative that a corporation is giving anybody things free these days.
I have had a problem getting to the right screen to enter the code. Could someone walk me through it the right way?
Idk how you could be confused, but since I’m nice…
There are 2 ways of doing it. But you have to physically go to the kiosk and rent the movie.
1)At the beginning, click on “Enter a Promo Code” and enter the code. If it is valid/or activated (such as the Monday code) it will take you to the movies available to rent. Select one. then checkout with your credit card, type in your zip code and opt. email. Receive free movie and enjoy!
2)Click “Rent a Movie” pick a movie. View cart. Select “Add a promo code” enter your code in. then checkout with your credit card, type in your zip code and opt. email. Receive free movie and enjoy!
Remember only one promo code per session. For any transaction.
WRONG! You can only use the Promo Codes At CHECKOUT! Itried to use before picking the movie and the machine declined the code. Thereafter I picked the movie then hit use promo code and SHAZAM!
Using your own words “WRONG!” I ALWAYS press the button to rent with a promo code button 1st, enter the code, then select my movie, then check out and I have NEVER has any problems what so ever.
I heard a few people at my local redbox that sounded just like this while discussing the closing of the codes. Everyone I spoke to said they will still visit but less often. LMAO at Redbox, greed = loss.
Hmm … most people I see at the Redbox here had no idea about the free codes. It’s moronic to think this is really going to impact their business at all, since I believe the segment of the population that actually uses the free codes is a rather small part of their customer base.
I agree. Most people I saw didn’t know about the codes when I asked them if they wanted one. I almost never rented from Redbox without a code, and I’m sure there are a lot of people like me out there. They almost always were out of the movie(s) I was interested in, people who rent DVDs (from Redbox anyway) tend to take poor care of them (since they don’t own it I assume) & they often have scratches, smudges, etc on them, so I was often left watching something that only moderately interested me & from time to time I ran into problems playing it in spots due to the scratches etc. I don’t blame Redbox for cutting back, and likely all together, on the codes. I seriously doubt that it really brought them that much extra business. But, as is often the case (see the KFC free grilled chicken dinner promotion), your typical American acts like a spolied little kid & throws a tantrum that Redbox would have the audacity to take away their “ENTITLEMENT,” and move toward trying to make money from their business.
I still don’t know where to look to find the Monday promo code to get a free movie. I don’t text or get do I find the code via email or on the Web site?
bottom left corner
Today I went out and paid for The Grudge 3, Taken, and Underworld-Rise of the Lycans. It was kind of a good feeling. Like I am giving back something finally. If anyone from Redbox reads this site, “Thank you for the free codes. I look forward to the new tuesday movies and if you never offer a free code again I still think you have a great service. Now stop with all the bad horror movies! I love horror but the no names ones you stock are just plain terrible. I feel as though I deserve a refund even though I used a free code to rent it!”
you cannot beat $1.00 a night rental, who else does that? Sure it was nice having a free rental on mondays, but hey, who does that all the time? Nothing lasts forever, even if it was abuse or just promotional, still it is $1.00. If you don’t like it, go pay $2.99 somewhere else! just my 2 cents.
I think $1 for a new release is outstanding, but I have other video stores in my area that rent older movies for .50 or $1 for 5 days. The same old movies that redbox has started to slip in. On top of that they offer half price deals on occasion.
Does anyone else think the return by 9pm is too early?
I don’t think 9 is too early.
I imagine the 9pm return helps to get the movies back to the kiosks that are inside businesses that close at or before 9pm.
If you had a later return a lot of people would wait and return the movies to the ouside locations. Then all the movies would be in those select locations and the inside locations would not keep the selections.
Our one local video store rents new releases for $3.49 for one night with an option for a second night for 50 cents more. Older movies are $3.29 for 5 nights. I doubt that anyone will rent any less movies from Redbox without the available Monday codes.
And I also have not found anyone at the kiosks when I went there that knew anything about the codes. I always give the code to the people there, sometimes I put an address label on the machine with the code.
Usually when a company makes a bonehead move like Coinstar, buying almost all shares in redbox, the 1st thing they do is cut expenses. That means customer service will suck because they are always the first cutback. They stop any activity that costs too much money, which happens to be the thing that draws customers to them in the first place,so customers leave or purchase less. Then they start to lose money so they raise their prices. Thus starting the spiral down to oblivion or taking Redbox from a standout company to just another rental company. But that’s just my opinion, I could be wrong.
We’ll see if it gets worse now Coinstar is the sole owner. Why did McDonald’s sell their shares? Has anyone read about this?
mike1, well 9 is kinda early but compared to the other movie boxes which are at 7, its not too bad lol
OK, a few other thoughts then I think I done with this.
Many of you say the free codes attracted you to Redbox, true for me too, but I think they are getting a lot of free press from it, Just think of how many times they have been in the news, blogs, freebie sites. It seems their advertising budget is $0, so they can afford the free codes.
Second, I know they don’t rent every movie every day, but consider 1$ per day for 5 days is more than what other companies charge for rentals.
Third, just to rub it in, to anyone who isn’t aware of it, there still is a code that you can use any day and as often as you like. I consider it stealing so I don’t even use it.
Yeah sure, that’s why you don’t tell us what it is. You can’t give a code that doesn’t exist to someone now can you?
Is Aug 1 2009 , the last month code ?
That’s a Saturday, so no.
Monday August 3 is currently scheduled to be the last one-day code which is distributed by Redbox via text message. They can certainly opt to extend the promotion or start a new similar one but they have not announced any intention to do so at this time.