Well on its way to becoming fodder for a Lifetime movie, the class action suit against Redbox over multi-day rental fees will continue despite Redbox’s efforts to have it dismissed. St. Clair County Circuit Judge Patrick Young has denied a motion by Redbox to dismiss the suit brought against it by lead plaintiff Laurie Piechur and her upstanding legal representation.
Judge Young’s recent rulings haven’t all been bad for Redbox, however, as the judge also denied Piechur’s summary judgment move requesting that Illinois law be applied to the case.
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The next step in the case will take place on July 16, the deadline set by Judge Young for both parties to respond to “certain discovery requests.
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On to the comments, Insiders, as we debate the validity of Piechur’s claim and the level of frivolity in lawsuits that the legal system will tolerate.
(via The St. Clair Record)
firstlawofnature what the hell it’s been a whole day and you havn’t made a comment (you over opinionated prick). Maybe someone should send the paramedics over to his moms house to make sure he’s ok.
wow, somebody has their panties in a knot…
no i’m just sick of this guy day after day posting on this website. It’s suppose to be a public forum but firstlawofnature (REDBOX EMPLOYEE) believes it to be his personal soapbox. He’s like a damn politition and he takes away from the whole site. look back through any post the guy won’t just shut the fu k up. Really if he’s got so much to say go start a fu king blog of his own and see how many people care about what he has to say. Alls he is is a thread killer or a spammer or whatever you want to call him. I like to use the word dumbass myself.
Pot. Kettle. Black.
oh isn’t that sweet firstlawofnatures got him his own groupie. you must be mrs. farva firstlawofnature his mommy. dinner must be fun around yoir house…. i love redbox mommy oh me to baby without them and this website we might actually have to get a life.
You are a troll. You have nothing of value to add to the conversation, and on top of that you either can’t spell or can’t type. A “public forum”, FYI, is for *civil debate*. If you don’t know what that means, look it up. If all you are interested in doing is swearing at someone whose opinions you don’t like, go somewhere else.
Let’s be fair. FLON claims not to work for Redbox. He just owns shares of the company.
His opinion is tainted by that very fact.
Come on, John, really? Whatever boat anyone might put FLON in, you are in exactly the same boat.
Investor or not, it does seem like FLON has been pointing out facts from information available about the company. You, on the other hand, have really presented zero facts or any information to back up your positions. In fact, you have totally evaded almost all questions posed to you.
Anyway, this is indeed a public forum, and I have no problem with either John or FLON posting here. However, it does seem like out good friend with the dumb ‘stfu’ username really does have nothing to say, and I can’t really see any reason for the comments they have made at all.
Seriously Michael, I expected better of you.
You know full well my statements have been proven to be truthful as time proceeds.
You may not like the facts but they are undeniable.
I have repeatedly stated that I have no financial stake in the success of failure of Redbox. Neither you nor FLON can say the same.
You can and should do better.
John, I have rarely had a problem with your comments here. It was only when FLON came along and started making statements that required more information from you that you got very evasive.
I really don’t care if you have a financial interest in Redbox or not. That is not the point. The point is that in recent discussion you have refused to back-up your statements or your positions in any useful way. I saw many times when FLON asked direct questions and you completely overlooked them in your replies.
I have not seen any facts from you, only speculation that you have tried to make come off as facts. Nor have I seen any statements that have “proven to be truthful”.
We all have opinions here, and that is absolutely fine with me. Bring all the opinions you want, but don’t try to pass them off as fact. And don’t try and pretend that you have no “stake” in all of this. That is just ridiculous. Anyone who has been around for awhile can see that you have some “interest” here, even if you are unwilling to share it.
For me – as I have said MANY times – I like to report the news no matter what it is. There have been multiple occasions where Redbox has not liked the things I have said or done. They certainly don’t like all the Netflix ads around here! But, I am not concerned about that.
This is my site, not Redbox’s, not yours, not FLON’s, and not anyone else’s. I don’t have to answer to you, or feel bad that you “expected better” of me. Seriously? (That did make me laugh, though, so thanks for that.)
I like facts a lot. When you have some for me, do let me know. Until then, carry on.
Michael, I simply pointed out that the numbers FLON was using do not paint an accurate picture of what is happening. He is using non-GAAP numbers that are slanted in order to influence investors.
The bottom line is that the net income for Coinstar is not increasing at a rate commensurate with the kiosk expansion level. This is readily apparent. FLON knows this is true since he deliberately leaves out millions of dollars of expenses out of his equation so that his numbers look positive rather than negative.
FLON is attempting to pump up the value of the stock so that he benefits in the long run. His numbers, like most of his posts are dishonest and disingenuous.
As always, the truth will out. I assume FLON, like many of the other Redbox pump and dumpers have, will disappear once his falsehoods are exposed in the court of reality.
You really are delusional. First off you made the statement that year over year redbox was doing worse in Q1. When you wouldn’t back up that claim with numbers I proved otherwise using a combination of GAAP and non GAAP numbers.
Your bottom line comment about net income is either dumb or naive. There were one time charges, higher interest expense levels and contributions from other businesses in the net income line you think proves your point. I even guessed at how you were probably calculating the number to make your mistaken point and you still wouldn’t answer.
I did not leave out any expenses. You can prove this out by adding the segment operating income of all the divisions up and seeing that it is nearly identical to gross operating income (see link I provided back then). The only possible claim would be that coinstar is allocating expenses incorrectly to make it appear redbox is doing better than it is. There’s plenty of evidence this is not the case given years of audited financial statements before redbox was acquired. You are 100% wrong about the numbers and there is no possible way for you to be right other than the financial statements being fraudulent. Do you have any evidence that coinstar is a fraud? Didn’t think so.
Pumpers hang out on yahoo chat boards. People that seek to educate and be educated hang out on well run blogs such as this one. Do you really think any posts here could have affect the stock price? I don’t either. Pray tell which other posts I’ve made are dishonest and disingenuous.
Court of reality? How’s this reality…netflix and redbox are helping to permanently change the landscape of video distribution. I love businesses that help Americans save money and do things more efficiently. No matter what you think of them redbox is loved by consumers. About 1,400,000 people have checked out a disc tonight and most all of them are pretty happy about it. Sorry that it causes pain somewhere else for others but this is the way things happen in America. Been this way for over 200 years.
Well if gross operating income was a measure of success then BBI would be successful too.
FLON, you know you are misleading people by using incorrect measures and numbers. It is amazing to me that you continue to do so.
Are you truly discounting increased interest expenses? One time charges can be accounted for. Of course there is income from the other segments.
But when you account for all of these things the final conclusion is still that, on a per kiosk basis, profit is dropping for Redbox. At least according to their last quarter numbers.
You are either delusional or extremely dishonest to keep saying otherwise.
What you are saying makes absolutely no sense and you still won’t use numbers to prove your point.
If I’ve been duped so has everyone because the shares are up about 100% since the horrible Q1. All the analysts that follow it thought it was a great quarter yet only you say things got worse in Q1. I dare you to even attempt to prove it.
A bubble is a bubble and they all eventually pop.
Nothing but hot air in the Coinstar valuation.
‘I have repeatedly stated that I have no financial stake in the success of failure of Redbox.’
I did not have sexual relations with that women…
Don’t act so high minded. Here is more unbiased truth from you…
‘I have heard kids calling each other Redboxes but i don’t think it was a term of endearment.
Redbox = Cheap, pathetic loser.
Seems like an appropriate use of the term.’
You, JS, can and should do better.
Again, the above comment was 100% true. Kids around here insult each other by calling someone a Redbox when they are being cheap, pathetic or a loser.
They call each Wal-Mart in a similar manner.
From the mouths of babes.
John Small,..I agree the comments have gotten off topic for this post BUT you’re comment has forced me to comment here. Your comment about the kids HERE (where you live) use the term ‘Redbox’ as an insult to describe someone who is a pathetic loser, etc. The ONLY kids that would use the term ‘Redbox’ as slang for someone who is cheap, pathetic, loser, etc. HAS TO BE IN YOUR HOUSEHOLD, or your office, or your little group of anti-Redboxers!!! Never,ever, ever,ever,ever, ever heard any kid, or even adult–other than you–use or think that the term ‘Redbox’ is slang for cheap, pathetic, or a loser, etc. Google it John as proof that the term Redbox doesn’t come up as slang for such. In fact, I went to return dvds to Redbox the other day and now that school is out, there were like 12 kids and teens ahead of me making their selections. Don’t think kids would let themselves be seen flocking around a Redbox kiosk if they consider/use the term ‘redbox’ as an insult. And as for what comes from the mouths of babes, it most often has it’s origins from the mouths of the parents. That’s how biases are passed down…. Again, you’ve comment has shown your true self, and when someone shows their true self it is wise to believe that is who they truly are—For you it is an anti-Redbox bias person who tries to pretend otherwise.
No kids in the house any more RB.
Like I said, it is just what I hear on the streets around here.
Only the facts my friend, whether you like them or not.
Again J.S., typical that you should declare something a ‘fact’ because you say so. And by the way, didn’t you state the ‘fact’ once that you’re retired and living off your self-made fortunes by the seaside somewhere or some such usual self-grandiose illusion….Geez, I guess Redbox kiosks must be EVERYWHERE, even by the seaside for your community kids roaming the seaside and insulting others with their Redbox slang… You see John, this is why you have no credibility because every ‘fact’ you say you state can be traced back to one of your many falsehoods. You also made a statement once about ‘HERE at the OFFICE’–ouch, slip–and another statement around Sept 2009 that Redbox will collapse/be out of business within a year….Yes, I did my research before of when you arrived on the scene, and geez it just happened to be when the other VeryBigGoofballs arrived–let’s just say V.B.G. for short. I really don’t get a kick out of calling someone out, but you’ve become so deceitful it’s just plain pitiful…Well, I’ll let you get back to trying to convince others to hate Redbox as much as you do in your effort to get Redbox out of business by Sept 2010..
True that.
I can see why you two get so much hate. Your like a couple of vultures. Don’t you have better things to do with your day?
I agree it sounds like these two have nithing better to do with their days. why would one even waste this much time?
You fair??
Which opinions here aren’t ‘tainted’? Yours? Almost everyone that posts here has some bias. Most of the people here simply love the service – that is a bias as well.
I knew you’d be out there vulturing you little wormmy ass bottom feeder. Please spread more of your wisdom we all wait on your vast knowledge of all things redbox.
I really don’t care if he’s a redbox employee, an investor, or the owner of the company he’s one of those know it all mother f@@kers who goes on and on and on so he can feel like he’s important. But you know what he’s just some dumbass wasting time on his computer for free trying to act important. f@@k him, the horse he rode in on, and his little dog to!
Really michael your gonna sit there and act like this firstlawofnature guy isn’t some redbox spammer he sure in the hell isn’t a consumer who simply uses redbox. You just defend him because he adds alot of comments to your website. This guy is a joke, you just like the back and forth because it drives traffic for you. Alls this guy and a few others do is turn this site into a joke there are no honest discussions just lies and spin. And by your last comment you’d rather have the fud and bullshit obviously.
I’m on a budget so I have a financial stake in this topic..I don’t want Laurie Piechur to win this lawsuit because it will cost Redbox a ton of money fighting or losing it and then Redbox might have to raise the price of their rentals to make up for the cost of this lawsuit….and then it’s going to cost ME more to rent a movie!!! However, even though my stated opinion might seem bias because it comes from a place of my being a budget-minded consumer, I don’t consider my opinion ‘tainted’ because it’s also based on the ‘fact’ that this is a ridiculous lawsuit made by an irresponsible person who failed to return her dvd if she didn’t want to pay for another rental day. I don’t think Redbox should have to pay out for Laurie P’s irresponsibility. This lawsuit SHOULD NOT be won by Laurie P.–even John Small has stated this! So I guess both of our opinions on this topic are ‘tainted’ and bias…
I agree with the fact that all the people above me comment way to much and it’s getting old I wish they would all go away. Look at the title of this article then read the comments once again they don’t match up same shit these guys always pull. All these guys above take away from this entire site
Don’t you guys have anything better to do?
I for one hope that this crazy class action lawsuit (ccal) is an with epic failure!
What are you really trying to do? Seek justice, punish Redbox or create personal financial gain?
In my opinion passing the bar exam should not give you a license to extort money from a legitimate business. These ccal’s are a perversion of our legal system, far too often they are actions taken only with the hopes that the business will settle due to the amount of money it would take to construct and maintain a legal defense. Who pays for this? The business and ultimately the consumer, it always comes down to the consumer.
I call shenanigans on all ccal’s and I am seriously considering a ccal on this ccal.
-Don’t fight the Matrix…ignorance is bliss!
wow you guy bicker back and forth like little old ladies arguing over which cat food taste better!
i agree with everyone else, shut up, grow up, and crawl back under your rock! as for people calling each other redbox, that is just dumb! i have teenage kids and asked them and they said ” that is the dumbest thing ever”!
Wow !!! At first I thought everyone was talking about John Small. Now it turns out that they were talking about FLON. FLON does not bother me..it’s John Small that is a moron.
Lawyers are ruining this country and have been for a long time! If you look behind everything screwed up in this country, you will find a lawyer (or legal team). I slip on ice in my driveway, that I didn’t shovel, and I can find a lawyer to sue the weatherman for making it snow! Sad part is, as silly as that sounds, I just gave some lawyer an idea! Now, as for Redbox, I like it and I use it, I return my DVD’s on time, or I pay for another day, that’s how it works, it’s not rocket science people. If I don’t return it on time, I don’t go looking for a lawyer to get me out of paying another $1, I just try not to let it happen again. Think about it the next time you are pissed off about something, if you follow the problem back far enough, you will find either a lawyer or a politician (who are usually lawyers!). Thank you and have a nice day!
well how about those nba playoffs?
how’s the weather in idaho?
is you favorite redbox adding old movies?
I suggest Small & Flon meet in the ring and slug it out. Loser finds another place to post. Rest of community then ‘wins’ as one of them are gone for good. Really – it’s the same old crap from these two, only a different day.
I’m looking forward to seeing your thoughts and opinions about Redbox.
If you can’t see a difference between JS’s posts and mine then I don’t think you’ve read much. I think Michael’s posts of late last week nicely summarize the dynamic between small and I.
So true FLON. My posts are rational and well thought out. Your posts are intended to increase the stock price so that you can have a monetary gain.
I am surprised people can’t see the difference.
Michael didn’t see it that way.
I don’t suppose the fact that he (like you) has a financial interest in Redbox doing well has anything to do with that either?
Probably had more to do with your habit of not supporting your statements with facts or numbers. How are those seaside teenagers that curse red box at each other all day long doing?
Oh, I don’t hang out with the teenagers that often. Just when I pop into town. Funny little buggers really.
I see you went through the numbers properly and came out with a more astute conclusion over the weekend. I congratulate you. You are one step closer to seeing that what I said was true. Keep digging.
Gladly awaiting any #’s you are willing to share that prove your point.
firstlawofnature i agree with everyone here do you really think these smugass comments of yours are even worth reading? go away
Your user name is a nice compliment.
Well FLON, I’ll let you think this one over.
If the numbers were going up, on a per machine basis, why do you think the PTB at Coinstar bowed to pressure of the big 3 and accepted a 28 day window.
If their numbers were improving on a per machine basis then it would make no sense to put themselves at a competitive disadvantage.
Now, seeing as you have admitted that their end numbers bear no relation to the fake numbers you posited as your proof before, perhaps now you are willing to admit the obvious truth?
I’d guess they ‘bowed’ for many reasons the least of which is probably not the desire to position for Internet delivered video. Your logic that the 28 day deals confirm your claims about profit per machine are silly and right in line with what I’d expect from you.
I’m not sure where I admitted the end numbers bear no relation to my ‘fake’ numbers. You’ve ignored several of my recent posts is what I know. Provide a link if you will to where I admitted what you claim.
No, as you indicated earlier, their net income numbers are proof enough of their falling profit per machine.
The “28 days” argument is far from silly. In fact it is proof positive of the fact. Only the hypesters and fanbois are willing to ignore the facts.
Let me get this right, I said Coinstar’s net income per kiosk was lower in Q1? Sorry that nonsensical calculation is all yours man. As Michael pointed out you’ve dodged me on this one for about 2 months.
Your other point is that because some studios have product on a 28 day delay it must mean profit per kiosk was lower in Q1. No need to comment on that logic flow.
Why don’t you two just exchange email addresses then the rest of us don’t have to deal with your back and forth?
Without us the rest of you would be lonely people begging for Redbox codes.
At least FLON wants to pump up the price of the stock so that he can make some buckeroos.
I just want people to understand that elements of their business model are unsustainable and that they should not be surprised or angry when the prices rise to a more realistic level.
I get so sad when people rant against Redbox because they have to cough up an extra quarter or two just to get 2 hours of entertainment.
To John Small, (and I’m sure the name fits you correctly). I get so sad when I see the 2 loneliest people in the world (John Small And FLON) on here every day exchanging worthless rants to make each other feel important!
Seriously son, if you don’t like what we post, don’t read it.
This is America not some fascist state where there is no freedom of speech.
I don’t agree with FLON but I sure as heck defend his right to speak.
So all you sour pusses just unbunch your panties and relax.
Gee “Dad”, sounds like I hit a nerve! Maybe just a little too close to the truth for ya huh? By the way I don’t read your posts, but I see that you post on anything and everything, like your opinion is important or something….yeah right. So, what hit the nerve the most, the “small” thing (and I mean that literally) or the lonely thing. Cheer up, you can’t do anything about your “size” but you can go outside in the great big world and get a life, It’s not that scary, trust me, you’ll get used to it after awhile.
Just thought you might want to listen to the facts rather than listen to yourself.
Just the facts? Thats funny, I believe it was John Small who stated a fact that Paramount wouldn’t resign with Redbox. He said he was “Surprised” by the fact that they did. So he’s never wrong, just surprised. Chuck Norris is never wrong, he’s just surprised……I think a lonely old man who sold a bunch of comic books certainly knows much about a business. I know you are mad that you didn’t think of the Redbox concept. Redbox is now in Naval Bases, and the Pentagon, it’s here to stay whether you like it or not, and your opinion isn’t any more important than anyone elses…..except that Shutthefup kid…… That is the situation!