Hope you had a good week. I don’t know exactly where you are located, but here in Salt Lake City we are finally starting to see some nice weather. It has been good to get outside, have a few barbeques, get some work done, and have some fun.
Even with all that, we still managed to watch a few movies this past week. Most were very good, and one not so good.
We saw “Lost”, which I thought was pretty weird. Neither my wife nor I liked it much, and could have lived without seeing it.
Then, we saw “Fun with Dick and Jane”. I actually didn’t expect much out of this movie, and didn’t want to see it too bad. But, one night it was the only movie there so we rented it. And, it was
better than I thought it was be. So, if you have some time, check it out.
Finally, the last movie we watched this week was “The Greatest Game Ever Played”. I would have to say it is a must see if you like ‘underdog’ or sports stories. Very well acted and based on a true story, it was the highlight of the week. Definitely check it out.
According to the Redbox site, there are 6 new movies in the box this week. They are: Shopgirl, Casanova, Aeon Flux, Match Point, Tristan and Isolde, and Dr. Dolittle 3.
Since we rarely venture to the theater (like once a year), we haven’t seen any of these movies. I plan on seeing Aeon Flux, and will likely find another one or two on the list to see, and will
let you know what we think.
NEW CODES [http://www.insideredbox.com/index.php/codes]
There were quite a few new codes added this week, so definitely visit the codes page and take a look. Try a few in your area that haven’t been tried there and report back.
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It will help everyone
get more free movies, and who doesn’t want that?
We would love to hear from you!
What do you think about the new weekly emails? Do you think they are too long, too short, really boring?
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Let us know. (Not getting the emails? Signup using the yellow box on the codes page.)
Also, tell us about movies you have seen and whether they get a thumbs up or thumbs down from you.
Leave a comment using the form below (No form below? Click the “comments” link at the bottom of this post.)
Until next week, happy renting! Make sure you continue to tell others about our site, and give them a chance to experience the best thing about renting movies from the Redbox – codes!