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Monday promo code for Mar 24, 2008

Its finally here – another Monday and another free Monday-only promo code from Redbox.
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Today’s Code: LK8LV1

Remember, use it by midnight on Monday, Mar 24, or find another code to use instead.

10 Responses to “Monday promo code for Mar 24, 2008”

  1. Member [Join Now]

    Code did not work

  2. Member [Join Now]

    The failed code I commented about was at an Acme store in New Jersey

  3. Member [Join Now]
    Sky [sky]

    This Monday code failed in Tacoma, WA at an Albertson’s, too. This was at around 9:30 PM, Pacific Time. “MISSYOU” also failed on the same attempt. I gave up after that because there was a lineup behind me.

  4. Visitor [Join Now]
    Shasta [visitor]

    I haven’t been able to get any of these free codes to work for MONTHS, and months now. I don’t think they actually exist anymore. :)

  5. Visitor [Join Now]
    Shasta [visitor]

    I tried atleast 10 or more codes from the above list in my area (utah) and NOTHING worked, and I even tried a diffrent card that’s NEVER been used w/ redbox before.