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Coinstar (owner of Redbox) is running a sweepstakes now through July 13 called “Vacation on a Dime”.
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You can enter on Coinstar’s Facebook page, and prizes include $90 gift cards from Coinstar as well as free Redbox rentals for a year.

I am guessing they are doing this to get the word out about their Facebook page, as it seems Coinstar is starting to look at social media as a viable advertising method.
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I wonder where they got that idea from? :)

Enter the Sweepstakes here

13 Responses to “Coinstar’s “Vacation on a Dime Sweepstakes” Offers Free Redbox Rentals”

  1. Member [Join Now]
    jakoblin [jakoblin]

    I hope i win. I use the coinstar machine monthly . I just don’t unnderstand why people where I live drop quarters on the ground . I usually collect 75 cent off the ground every day . 31 day time 75 cents is 23.25 . monies I do not report to IRS . I usually convert teh monies to visa gift card so coinstar don’t take 9% off per dollar. :)

  2. Visitor [Join Now]
    Tim [visitor]

    I save my coins until I have enough that’s worth taking to the bank if I’m already going to the bank. Otherwise, I roll them and spend them like the cash that they are. I get 100% value and don’t need a “gift card”.

  3. Member [Join Now]

    I need to know where you live, because here in Houston, nobody is dropping quarters, maybe pennies and I don’t have the patience to pick that up. I am down with picking up quarters, after a year of doing that you can buy yourself something really nice.

  4. Visitor [Join Now]
    The Turnip [visitor]

    Well, I’m officially incredulous. Why in the world doesn’t Coinstar allow customers to convert their change into a card that they can turn around and use at the Redbox located next to it? (For the newcomers: Redbox is owned by Coinstar.)

    • Administrator
      Michael [administrator]

      That is really a great idea. In fact, a smart move for Coinstar would be to allow the customer the option to convert their coins to a special “Coinstar/Redbox” card . And, if the customer chose this option, there would be no fee for using the Coinstar machine.

      In Coinstar hasn’t thought of this, I guess this can be a free tip for them!

      • Visitor [Join Now]
        Matt [visitor]

        Well redbox wouldn’t do that because their would be no link to a credit or checking account… How about I cash in $1.10 in change and buy myself a movie…. Make sense? You would have to cash in at least $30+ to make it worth their while.

        • Visitor [Join Now]
          The Turnip [visitor]

          Good thinking, Matt. Then the method should be “allow customers to convert their change AND ASSIGN IT TO A CREDIT/DEBIT card that they can turn around and use at the Redbox.” If Redbox can tie an email address to your credit card, they should be able to track an associated balance from “Coinstar change” with the card as well.

        • Administrator
          Michael [administrator]

          The Turnip hit it right on. The “Coinstar/Redbox” card I mentioned would not replace the credit card as a guarantee for payment, just as the method of payment as long as a balance existed. And yes, it could easily be automatically linked to a credit card.

          If they wanted to keep it even simpler, the machine could simply print/email a list of promo codes. Say you cashed in $7 worth of change, then you could receive 7 promo codes.

          Anyway, just some thoughts. I really do think Redbox needs some kind of gift card system, as I for one would use it a lot to giveaway movies to people on this site!

          • Member [Join Now]

            when using the coin star card ….redbox would have to sk for an existing email address then any overage charges would be billed to that credit card

          • Member [Join Now]

            in this case there would be no way to track which codes you already have by the machine and eventually recieve repeat codes. There are a whole bunch o fraud schemes that could also take place within the “credit link” option.

    • Member [Join Now]
      Mark [rb123456789]

      I am under the impression when Redbox changed their management and corporate structure last year the thinking was before long they would be separating themselves entirely from Coinstar via an IPO. If so, further tieing themselves to Coinstar doesn’t make much sense.

      And really, how much extra business would this provide for them anyway? Not enough to cover the administration costs of a special Coinstar card I suspect. Is a 9% discount on DVD rental worth the bother for customers? A 9 cents a night discount on a DVD seems barely worth caring about. Look at how many people don’t care about codes because they only save a dollar.