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Happy-Blu-YearRespected market research firm NPD has released the results of a study comparing customers who were using Blu-ray set-tops in February of 2008 to customers using the format in August of this year.

NPD divides the consumer market into various groups based on their willingness to adopt new technology. Over the eighteen month period of the study, Blu-ray’s user base extended well past “cutting edge” early adopters and made substantial inroads into the more mainstream “sensibles” and “dreamers” groups. If adoption of the format continues at this pace through the holiday shopping season, NPD says, Blu-ray players and discs will be considered mainstream products by early 2010.

“In the last year, we have made great strides toward becoming mainstream, but we’re not quite there yet,” said NPD analyst Russ Crupnick. “But going into the holiday season, we are seeing a combination of fairly reasonable price points on hardware and a lot of content. By February, after the holidays, it’s going to quickly look more and more mainstream.
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We are on that path.”

Crupnick went on to say that word of mouth will increase Blu-ray’s market share faster than any other method, with fans of the format showing off their hi-def systems to family and friends.

With Redbox beginning to test market Blu-ray discs in select locations, and Blockbuster, Netflix, etc. also increasingly embracing the format , it seems that NPD’s prediction has some merit. Here at Inside Redbox, Michael and I both own Blu-ray players and love the format’s phenomenal sound and picture quality.

How about you, Insiders? Are you feeling Blu yet? If not, do you plan to in the near future? Or is Blu-ray another flavor-of-the-month format soon to be replaced by streaming and/or other media?
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[via Video Business]

20 Responses to “2010: The Year Blu-ray Hits the Big Time?”

  1. Visitor [Join Now]
    Tony [visitor]
    I work for VBG. To find out why this is important, click here.

    I’m afraid redbox is going to probabally prevent blu-ray from taking off. People are becomming acoustomed to renting movies for a dollar. With the cost of Blu-Ray redbox won’t be able to charge a dollar therfore people won’t rent.

  2. Visitor [Join Now]
    TexasRebel [visitor]

    Keep giving them out for free!!!

    Physical Media will always be better quality than digital streaming so here’s hoping that Blu is here to stay :)

  3. Member [Join Now]
    Carson [carson]

    But eventually digital streaming will catch up in the quality department.
    and I agree with Tony, why get Blu-ray when you can get DVD cheaper. Blu-ray only looks better with a huge TV and if you are right up next to it. Why do you need Blu-ray if you just want to see a movie and not pretend like you are in it.

  4. Member [Join Now]

    Yeah, I think blu-ray is WAY overrated, I watched it at Best Buy one time and was not impressed at all! I just don’t think it’s worth the extra cost, and besides that the next “best thing” is just around the corner I’m sure, and then they’ll sucker a lot of people into replacing their blu-ray movies with it. VHS to dvd was a definite huge improvement but not dvd to blu-ray, at least not to me. I’m sure a lot of people will disagree but dvd is plenty good enough for me.

    • Member [Join Now]

      Agreed – I also think blu-ray is overrated and am satisfied with dvd quality.
      I have no plans to switch at this time. Eventually, we may all be forced to
      switch to blu-ray, but I have a large collection that I will not buy again in another
      format for questionable gains.

      • Visitor [Join Now]
        TexasRebel [visitor]
        I work with VBG. To find out why this is important, click here.

        DVD works on Blu-Ray.

        Too many variables involved for streaming ever to be as good as Physical Media.

        Blu is way better than regular DVD and Streaming.

      • Visitor [Join Now]
        Jody [visitor]

        I also dont see much of a difference. I only know one person who has a blu ray player and buys blu rays DVDS.

        • Visitor [Join Now]
          bob [visitor]

          I view my media on a 93″ screen using a Benq projector. The difference between DVD and Blu is VERY noticeable. As for screen size, we would never consider going back to a “mere” 50 or so inch screen. You have to experience it to appreciate it. Turns your living room into a theater. Forget plasma and the rest …. go projection and never look back :)

  5. Visitor [Join Now]
    TexasRebel [visitor]
    I work with VBG. To find out why this is important, click here.

    I’m going to have to assume the people that don’t see the difference have never seen a Blu-Ray in action on a true 1080P TV with a real nice sound system.

    Taking a look at a Best Buy will never do it Justice.

  6. Member [Join Now]
    jakoblin [jakoblin]

    I have totally seen blu ray movies on a 1080P hdtv using a state of the art sound system. MAde me thought i was in the movie theathre.

  7. Visitor [Join Now]
    h0mi [visitor]

    I buy and rent blu-rays. I only buy DVDs when I have no blu-ray option and if you don’t see a difference between blu-ray and DVD, you’re not looking very closely. Admittedly I didn’t see much of a difference at first but the more I watched, the harder it became to rent or buy DVDs.

  8. Member [Join Now]

    talk is cheap end players will be 49.95 day after thanksgiving (lets all start lineing up now LOL)

    will be easy to find middle names for 99 bucks

  9. Visitor [Join Now]
    John [visitor]

    I stopped using blu-Ray. Took longer to update my player everytime I rented a newly released movie. DVD is just easier.

  10. Visitor [Join Now]
    Joey [visitor]
    I work for VBG. To find out why this is important, click here.

    Blu-ray adoption slightly ahead of DVD’s track

    PHYSICAL: Study: High-def will never reach level of standard-definition
    By Susanne Ault — Video Business, 10/2/2009
    OCT. 2 | PHYSICAL: Blu-ray Disc hardware penetration in the U.S. continues to run ahead of standard-definition DVD player adoption at similar points in the formats’ lifetimes, according to Futuresource research.

    The two formats are nearly running neck and neck, with DVD slightly ahead in the fourth year after introduction if videogame consoles are not included. But with game consoles in the mix, Blu-ray is slightly ahead of DVD at the same point.

    In 2002 and 2010, which Futuresource has determined as year five for DVD and Blu-ray, respectively, standard-def (including PlayStation 2s) reached 32.6% of households and high-def (including PlayStation 3s) will have reached 34.1%.

    Although Blu-ray penetration steadily rises through 2013 (year eight) to 67.8%, according to Futuresource, it will never catch up to standard DVD players’ presence in homes at the same point in their lifecycles.

    Rising digital entertainment options, such as video-on-demand and Web downloading, will keep Blu-ray from enjoying as much ultimate household penetration as standard DVD, however.

    “We think that Blu-ray is going very well, considering the range of delivery platforms in this current environment compared to the early days of DVD,” said Jim Bottoms, managing director of Futuresource. Today, however, “online is stronger, there is VOD expansion, etc.”

    He said that high-def players could speed up their progress into homes if Blu-ray Disc software pricing falls, especially for catalog titles.

  11. Visitor [Join Now]
    MarcD [visitor]

    Bluray only looks approx. 20% better than regular DVD if you use an upconvert player, while the cost of a Bluray disc could be 2-3 times that of a DVD (on older releases), plus DVDs been out much longer than Blu & enjoy a library in excess of 10-15K movie titles, so I don’t think Blu will ever get caught up with DVDs even if its player cost the same as DVD ones! Just hope the studios won’t arbitrarily kill the DVD format and force the Blu down our throats.

  12. Visitor [Join Now]
    therat [visitor]

    disc prices were a valid excuse six months or more ago, but not anymore. You can find movies for 10 to 15 dollars all the time. New releases are going to come out at 20 starting next week and from then on. Blu Ray players ALSO DOUBLE as upconverting DVD players so even if you don’t think there is that big of a difference, why bother spending money on a player that ONLY upconverts when you can get one that does both? I only got into Blu Ray back in August of this year, currently I own just above 20 movies total, and I have yet to pay more than $15 for any movie. If you shop around you can find a good selection at fair prices. Also if you have the option to shop online, I don’t but many others do, you can find even better deals.

  13. Visitor [Join Now]
    Neusch [visitor]

    The Samsung 50 Inch HDMI is one of the hottest gifts this Christmas, they’re selling out fast. I found mine at