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Zediva Hit With Injunction

Sometimes David and Goliath stories don’t turn out so well for the little guy. Case in point: tiny movie rental startup Zediva, which has been engaged in a nasty legal fight with the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA), has been slapped with a preliminary injunction by a federal judge.

Zediva’s business model, which provoked the anger of the MPAA, allows users to “rent” a DVD movie and player at Zediva’s offices and stream the movie to their home.
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The Hollywood studios felt that this constituted unlicensed  use of their copyrights and went after Zediva with all they had. Judge John F. Walter, who issued the injunction, has sided with the studios.
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The case is now heading towards a final resolution.

Zediva has vowed to continue fighting Hollywood, and says that the ruling “represents a setback for the hundreds of thousands of consumers looking for an alternative to Hollywood-controlled online movie services. Zediva intends to appeal, and will keep fighting for consumers’ right to watch a DVD they’ve rented, whether that rental is at the corner store or by mail or over the Internet.”

Dan Robbins, Senior Vice President and Associate General Counsel for the MPAA, issued a statement praising the court’s decision:

“Judge Walter’s decision is a great victory for the more than two million American men and women whose livelihoods depend on a thriving film and television industry.  Judge Walter rejected Zediva’s argument that it was ‘renting’ movies to its users, and ruled, by contrast, that Zediva violated the studios’ exclusive rights to publicly perform their movies, such as through authorized video-on-demand services.”

It doesn’t look good for Zediva at this point. Are you sad to see the little guy who stood up to Hollywood lose, Insiders, or is Zediva getting what it deserved?

(via The Wrap and Variety)

2 Responses to “Zediva Hit With Injunction”

  1. Visitor [Join Now]
    Blog de Montréal [visitor]

    The need for standing away from a group is getting more important by the minute. On top of being brain spammed with a countless sum of marketing messages each single day, it’s impossible to them to just do a single thing for over six minutes thesedays. We have build a generation of loveless people who are just numbed to any human regular feelings.

  2. Member [Join Now]

    A little sad but not really surprised.