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One hot topic in the home entertainment industry is the increasing percentage of consumers who are becoming “cord cutters”—users who choose to drop their cable television subscriptions in favor of alternatives such as streaming and downloading.
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Cable monstrosity Comcast, which for many consumers embodies everything that is wrong with the cable industry, has lost nearly 300,000 subscribers in the last quarter alone and now has fewer than 23 million. This puts it behind Microsoft’s Xbox Live service, which now boasts more than 25 million users across 26 countries.

While the majority of Xbox Live users still use the service primarily for gaming, the amount of time users have spent viewing movie and television content on the service has increased 157% over the past year. Xbox Live subscription revenues have already been surpassed by media sales on the service.

With Xbox considering rolling out its own pay-TV service, and already featuring Netflix and ESPN3 content, the Micrsoft-owned property is positioning itself as a viable option to traditional cable.
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How many of you have “cut the cord” already, Insiders? How many more are thinking about it? Visit the comments and give us your thoughts on the matter.

(via NewTeeVee)

12 Responses to “Xbox Live Passes Comcast in Subscriptions”

  1. Visitor [Join Now]
    Wesley [visitor]

    I cut the cord over 2 years ago and have never looked back. I don’t watch TV like most people do (ie, as background noise or – even weirder to me muted and just displaying a picture to nobody in particular). When I watch TV I sit down, watch a show or two, and then turn the TV off.

    Because of that, Hulu gives me all the TV I could want. Netflix gives me all the movies I could want, and Redbox lets me see the new movies quickly when I want.

    Cable has become the least attractive of the redundant options available to me.

  2. Visitor [Join Now]
    Suzie [visitor]

    We cut the cord 15 years ago and haven’t gone back. We have an antenna that gets us local news and have Netflix on XBox Live. We watch what we don’t get on antenna on Hulu.

    Since Dish, DirectTv and cable keep having issues with local networks by raising prices, we have opted for this more economical choice.

  3. Visitor [Join Now]
    Carson [visitor]

    I cut the cord back in 2001, and still have more TV/movies than I am able to watch, thanks to Hulu,, Redbox, and Netflix Streaming… The best part is, with the exception of internet service, I haven’t actually paid for home entertainment in over 5 years…thanks to promo codes and netflix password sharing.

    • Visitor [Join Now]
      Paul [visitor]

      What is netflix password sharing? Is there a way you can stream netflix for free?

      • Visitor [Join Now]
        Carson [visitor]

        I mean that I just have a friend with a Netflix acct and he lets me use his password for streaming, so it’s essentially free for me…
        But people probably don’t just give it out to anyone, since they could mess with their queue…

  4. Visitor [Join Now]
    Hari [visitor]

    You comparing 23mi US cable subscribers to 25mi worldwide xbox subscribers? Apples to Oranges?

  5. Visitor [Join Now]
    That Guy [visitor]

    The oranges are becoming “blood red” in color…so…

  6. Visitor [Join Now]
    Paul [visitor]

    I seen that my blu ray player is getting ready to release to hulu plus but it cost $10 a month I think. My question is this, Once that is released ,will I be able to watch regular hulu on my TV cause that’s all I really want to do? If so, I may be dropping my cable! Hulu has got some good shows but right now I’m comfined to watching it on my computer.

  7. Member [Join Now]

    We’ve only briefly had cable a few years ago. We haven’t had it for years. I’m not much of a TV watcher anymore. We have a digital converter box and an antenna. However, I am sad that I won’t be able to watch Conan. :'(

  8. Visitor [Join Now]
    Blue State [visitor]

    I pay $8.00 a month for basic cable which is nothing. That allows me to get comcast cable internet (which you NEED in order to access Xbox live in the 1st place, or at least DSL) for $29.99 and so I don’t know what the fuss is about. How do you people access the internet to watch your netflix or hulu? I pay $60 a month for a cellphone that I use a lot less than I watch TV so the phone service is whats a ripoff to me.

    • Visitor [Join Now]
      Carson [visitor]

      I pay $46 a month for internet, and I use that to watch all tv, rarely I’ll switch to the live broadcast through the antenna in my attic, in the rare case I want to watch something live, like superbowl, or some award show, or the finale of Lost!, but usually I watch everything through the internet, then I can go by my own schedule, its like having a free DVR, just without the HD quality, but that is secondary to me when it comes to TV shows…