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Wednesday Promo Codes back again?

Thanks to moonbeam for bringing this to my attention…

It looks like Wednesday promo codes are back, at least for today. Perhaps we will see them for the entire month of August.
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Let us know if the code works for you.

Today’s code is:


Expires tonight (Wed, Aug 6) at midnight.

36 Responses to “Wednesday Promo Codes back again?”

  1. Visitor [Join Now]
    Artie [visitor]

    Not much of a choice for new movies this week. Maybe that’s why Redbox is doing the Wednesday promo code this week? Thanks. Anyway, is The Counterfeiters (movie) going to be available thru Redbox?

  2. Visitor [Join Now]
    david lynch [visitor]

    didnt know free codes expired after so long.i losy 2 because of this.kept forgetting to take them with me.can u use your codes online?

  3. Visitor [Join Now]
    Kylie [visitor]

    i think we should be able to use the codes online to get a movie ahead of time!!

    • Visitor [Join Now]
      Terrie [visitor]

      Why, on Mondays, the supposed free code day, are so many movies reserved online. Anyone else notice this trend?

      • Administrator
        Michael [administrator]

        @Terrie: How do you know that there are a lot of movies reserved online on Monday?

        • Visitor [Join Now]
          Terrie [visitor]

          Because, when I try to see if a movie is available, the site says enter your zip code, and it comes back that any particular movie is unavailable. It will give me 8 redbox locations and next to each location it says that it is not available.

          • Administrator
            Michael [administrator]

            @Terrie: I am not sure I follow you here. Why do you think that people are renting online because it says “not available” next to the title?

        • Visitor [Join Now]
          Terrie [visitor]

          Now I am following you. So, it just means there are no movies at a particular location on Monday? I was told by a sales rep. at Redbox via telephone, that there is only a certain number of each movie available for online reserve. So if you and I wanted to rent the same movie online, chances are there might only be one or two of each movie. SO, my original question was, why is it on Monday, the code day, people seem to reserve online knowing one cannot use the code. Also, another complaint I have, if for some reason one changes their mind or any reason whatsoever, you cannot cancel an online reserve. Your credit card will be billed whether you pick it up or not. Sorry I wasn;t clear. I hope you understand what I am trying to say. Thanks, Michael.

    • Visitor [Join Now]
      Terrie [visitor]

      Mike, Founder, Redbox online

      Thanks for Wednesday code. I just rented 2 movies. I got home and saw the code too late. Any chance of sending these emails earlier in the morning? Not criticising, just wishing I hadn’t paid for 2 rentals. I was desperate, didn’t see anything worth while, so a free one would have made my day. Thanks for the great work you do.


    • Visitor [Join Now]
      Amanda [visitor]

      I agree with you.I don’t know how many times I have complained about that.I would much rather rent my movie online rather than holding up the line.

  4. Member [Join Now]

    when will a really good movie come out? i have not seen a really good movie in a long time!!!

  5. Visitor [Join Now]
    Terrie [visitor]

    When I visit my local BLOCKBUSTERS, there are so many new releases that have been out for months, sometimes years. Why can’t Redbox get a hold of these instead of giving us so many horror movies, kid movies, and lousy movies?

  6. Visitor [Join Now]
    Artie [visitor]

    I would like to know that answer too. Maybe Michael could find that out?
    Is “The Counterfeiters” going to be available with REDBOX. This movie was listed in Hollywood Video August – MOVIE COMPANION magazine available at their stores to be released August 5th.

    • Visitor [Join Now]
      Terrie [visitor]

      Don’t know about Counterfeiters. Who is in it?

    • Visitor [Join Now]
      Artie [visitor]


      Karl Markovics is the star in this movie “The Counterfeiters”. I believe it is a French/German film. I would hope it is in English but not sure. It is rated R. Maybe, you’ve heard or seen more?

  7. Visitor [Join Now]
    Kyle Puig [visitor]

    I don’t know about everybody else but my loyalty is to redbox! They were the first to bring reasonably priced rentals to the market and I think they have remained an honest value and dependable resource.

  8. Visitor [Join Now]
    George Lyons [visitor]

    Wow! I just rented “21” a couple hours ago and then saw that there is a free Wednesday code. Oh, well I hate when that happens, but your price is still right. Thanks Redbox!

  9. Visitor [Join Now]
    jim [visitor]

    tried promo code for wendsday, at 11pm at albertson and it didnt work, is there a time limit on these, it said it was good till midnight? maybe it just wont work for me, I even tried the magic words, it still didnt work

    • Visitor [Join Now]
      John [visitor]

      Tried alberstons at 8.30pm didnt get what I wanted but the code worked. returned at 11.30pm code failed to work. Codes dont necessary end at midnight.

      If you notice the rental confirmation redbox sends, I live in PST time, sometimes you rent at EST time and you return, its PST time.

      I rented once at 2.30am PST Monday and was feeling uneasy and return it on Monday 8.30pm PST. Boy was I glad I did so because it showed my rental as Sunday 11.30pm EST and return was due 9pm Monday PST.

      Redbox is becoming untrustworthy.

      • Visitor [Join Now]
        Trish [visitor]

        Mcdonald Redboxes where I live in Nevada are in EST time.
        Alberstons are in PST time.
        Anyone else experienced the same thing? Makes it worthwhile to really use your email address when you rent so if you didnt glance at the due date while renting you can always check your email.

        One good thing about this confusing redbox organization is that monday codes at mcdonalds last until 3am for me :)

  10. Visitor [Join Now]
    JENNIFER [visitor]

    I tried to use the promo code lastnight and it would not work. It was about 6pm eastern time???

  11. Visitor [Join Now]
    tonja stampley [visitor]

    my promo code do not work for me i repeat and i am unhappy about the flaw you have for certain people what is going on?

  12. Visitor [Join Now]
    Kris [visitor]

    I got an email from redbox saying that the free wednesdays will be for the rest of august.

    It couldn’t be easier to double your free movie viewing in August, people. Just click the link
    below, sign up, and you’ll get a FREE code
    texted to your mobile every Wednesday.
    Just like Free Movie Monday.

    That’ll take Monday down a peg or two.
    Sign up today.”

  13. Visitor [Join Now]
    jo [visitor]

    Redbox needs to offer New Releases. They offer the right price, but man if they could only get some decent movies in there. Far too many crap movies, kids flicks and lame B movie horror flicks as another poster said..

  14. Visitor [Join Now]
    Gman [visitor]

    I have noticed that a couple of times I’ve used the free code my credit card has been charged with the fee?

    • Visitor [Join Now]
      Daniel [visitor]

      regardless of whether you use a code or not there is always a 1 dollar hold placed on the card to verify it is an active and valid card. If you used a code and it accepted it and returned it on time the hold will be removed in 1-2 weeks.

  15. Member [Join Now]

    Hey man, Great job on this website just found it today and I’m ready to check some codes out for the Las Vegas Nevada region…I’ll keep posting and let you all know how the codes work.
    Thanks again for job well done!

  16. Visitor [Join Now]
    Connie [visitor]

    I tried to use a pre-paid Visa card to rent a movie and it wouldn’t accept it. Doesn’t Red box accept these cards ?

    • Member [Join Now]

      depends on the card, couple of questions,

      1. Is it a “gift” card?
      2. Is your name printed on the card?
      3. Is the card registered to your address?

      if your answer to number 1 is yes then it probably wont work, from my experience gift cards don’t work but prepaid cards that have your name printed on the card and are registered to your address will.