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imagesAs fun as New Year’s Eve can be, it’s a bane for many parents whose children want to stay up till midnight. If you and your significant other want to give your kids an NYE celebration but still have some time to yourself, Netflix has a solution for you.

Netflix has made six new specials available for parents to show their kids, according to Time:

“The new programs count down to “midnight” and feature characters such as Oona and Baba from Puffin Rock, Inspector Gadget, and Care Bears & Cousins, among others. The kids can choose which special they’d like to watch, and parents can choose to run the countdown at any time, even if it’s hours before actual midnight.”

So if you don’t mind having a twinge of guilt from deceiving your little ones, feel free to show them one of Netflix’s NYE countdown shows. Will any of you be taking advantage of this opportunity, Insiders?

[via TIME]

One Response to “Want to Trick Your Kids Into an Early New Year’s Eve Bedtime? Use Netflix!”

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    nachrichten griechenland türkei [visitor]

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