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imagesIt’s a question that gets asked often these days: Is the ever-increasing popularity of Netflix having a negative effect on traditional TV-watching? According to TiVo Research and Analytics Inc.
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(TRA), the answer, at least for now, is no.
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TRA conducted a survey of TiVo households that are also Netflix subscribers. In its research, TRA didn’t find a significant difference between Netflix-watching households and households without Netflix.

Mark Lieberman, CEO of TRA, said the following about his firm’s findings:

 “Our data show that Netflix is not currently a substitute for traditional television, but offers a way for TV lovers to watch more of the kinds of programs they love . . . The future of television may tell a different story, but as of today we’ve found that the Netflix subscribers in our study are not watching less traditional TV.”

If you’re a Netflix subscriber, do you find yourself watching the same amount of traditional TV as before?

[via Home Media Magazine]

6 Responses to “TiVo: Netflix Not Harming Traditional TV Viewing”

  1. Member [Join Now]
    segarolow [segarolow-2]

    TV.. Ha! It’s total crap now.. And Don’t miss it at all.
    And I don’t miss the high cable bill one bit!

  2. Visitor [Join Now]
    Vernon Dent [visitor]

    If one assumes that “traditional TV” if OTA broadcast network TV, I agree with segarolow.

    Most of the programming, even the network 30-minute newscasts, pander to a least-common denominator. As a result, it’s better to turn the TV OFF than watch.

  3. Member [Join Now]
    ChadCronin [chadcronin]

    I enjoy watching local channels live and Netflix when nothing is on or later at night

  4. Visitor [Join Now]
    RCoca [visitor]

    I watch only one show on regular TV. I used to watch regular TV a lot. Not anymore. Netflix has changed my tv viewing. I hate commercials with a passion. I don’t have to put up with them anymore.

  5. Visitor [Join Now]
    Segarolow [visitor]


    I have Netflix three at a time in the mail. . And the online set up. I also have the W/B’s online set up. And RedBox online deal. And the (4) free DVD’s from the Box.
    Yes I burn about $50.00 a month on it. And that is fine by me! I have tons of stuff to watch..
    As I say.. More Movies! ;) And kiss the cable TV bit goooood!! Bye! Be well all.

  6. Visitor [Join Now]
    DarrellP [visitor]

    I watch even more OTA TV now that I have a DVR. I’ve had Netflix for 3 years now and my OTA viewing has not slowed down any, Netflix just helps supplement the dry periods.