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images (1)In our never-ending quest to keep you informed and up-to-date on movie and home entertainment happenings, Inside Redbox regularly takes a look at major films coming out in the near(ish) future that are already generating buzz and anticipation. This time around, we’re spotlighting The Lazarus Effect.

Here’s the trailer:


When a group of doctors create a serum that seemingly brings the dead back to life, they are jubilant. When they use the drug on one of their own, with horrific consequences, they are… less jubilant.

The Lazarus Effect rises in theaters next month. Will you be there?

2 Responses to “The Lazarus Effect Preview and Trailer”

  1. Member [Join Now]

    Okay, I’ll be honest, this looks too creepy to me. It reminds me of that other movie, flat liners, they did kind of the same thing. I don’t know why, but this is just too spooky for me.

  2. Member [Join Now]

    on video more likely