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UltraVioletUltraViolet, the digital locker service that a Hollywood consortium rolled out a couple of years back, has gotten its fair share of criticism, both from within and without the industry. Consumer sentiment toward the service may finally be shifting, however.
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According to a new survey from The NPD Group, more than 80 percent of UltraViolet users are satisfied with their experience, and one-third say they’re buying more DVDs and Blu-rays because of UltraViolet. This satisfaction level is actually comparable to Redbox and Netflix.

Russ Crupnick, SVP of industry analysis for The NPD Group, said the following about his firm’s findings:

“The positive user feedback on UltraViolet is critically important, not only for the obvious reason that the service needs to be competitive with other options for digital home video, but also because the research pointed out that UV needs more evangelists,”

Crupnick is referring to the fact that despite Hollywood’s best efforts, only about 15 percent of consumers are even aware of UltraViolet.

So besides a marketing problem, do you think UltraViolet has a lot going for it?
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Have you tried this add-on from any of the movies you’ve purchased recently?

[via Home Media Magazine]

One Response to “Survey: UltraViolet Growing in Customer Satisfaction”

  1. Member [Join Now]
    ChadCronin [chadcronin]

    I love it. I think all companies should use it including Amazon so that you have the rights to your movies and then can choose which platform to use. Vudu currently is offering the 1080p many now with download that they call HDX and I have even used the upgrade option for Blu-rays where when you do 10 or more it’s only $1 a movie. Also with vudu on on my tv now it’s very convenient for streaming.