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download (1)As 2013 winds to a close, it’s time to take our annual look back at the top movies of the year. This is a pretty easy thing to do this year, as 2013 was probably the best year for movies in at least the last half-decade. Yes, there were some huge box office (and critical bombs) this year, but there were also an unusual number of high quality releases, especially in the last few weeks of the year. Let’s get started!

In no particular order, here are my favorite films of the year. Once you’ve read through my list, hit the comments and tell us what your faves were.

images (1)Mud

Who is this Matthew McConaughey fellow and where has he been hiding all these years? The actor turns in a mesmerizingly subdued and powerful performance in this moving film about a boy being forced to grow up too soon.

downloadThe Wolf of Wall Street

Scorsese and DiCaprio team up for the fifth time and show no signs of slacking off. Funny, filthy, and fascinating, this film is especially resonant in the wake of the Great Recession and its roots in Wall Street greed.

images (5)Inside Llewyn Davis

One of these days the Coen Brothers will phone it in, but it ain’t happening yet. Another worthy entry in the Coen oeuvre, this film is an almost surreal exploration of a time and a man who doesn’t quite fit into that time. One of their best.

images (2)Captain Phillips

Tom Hanks and director Paul Greengrass prove to be a perfect match in this gripping film based on a recent event. Hanks hasn’t been this good in years.

download (2)
Saving Mr. Banks

Except in this movie, where Hanks ably wears the mustache and twinkling eyes of Walt Disney. Emma Thompson shines as the somewhat frosty and unlikable author of the Mary Poppins books. A gem, especially for all the Disneyphiles out there.

images (3)Gravity

Did it have the deepest, strongest story of the year? No, but its visual and emotional impact more than made up for the fact. An outstanding accomplishment by old pro Alfonso Cuaron.

download (3)American Hustle

Some of the snappiest writing and acting of the year takes place in this foul and funny flick set in the polyester-slathered 70s. It’s a tough call to say who had the best performance (and hair and wardrobe) among the leads: Christian Bale, Amy Adams, Jennifer Lawrence, Bradley Cooper, and Jeremy Renner.

download (4)The Way Way Back

Sweet, silly, and splendid summer fun, this movie draws out the awkward teenager in all of us. It’s nice to see Steve Carell step into a more “villainous” role as well. And don’t get me started on how awesome Sam Rockwell is…

images (4)Frozen

In the previews it looked like simply the latest piece of animated fluff churned out by the Mouse House. What it actually was was one of the best Disney movies since the studio’s golden age in the 90s. Pixar, now owned by Disney, hasn’t made anything this good in years. I’m still humming “Let It Go.”

download (5)Much Ado About Nothing

Joss Whedon takes a break from the bombast of last year’s Avengers to give us this sweet little black and white treat. Probably the funniest Shakespeare movie ever, Much Ado made us hope Whedon will take future detours from his superhero-heavy slate of upcoming movies.

Best movies I didn’t see: 12 Years a Slave, Her, Nebraska, Blue Jasmine, Dallas Buyers Club

Biggest Disappointments: Man of Steel, Monsters University, The Hobbit:The Desolation of Smaug


7 Responses to “(R)editorial: The Top Ten Movies of 2013”

  1. Member [Join Now]
    Shemp Howard [shemp-howard]

    It’s a shame Shane ;)

    you haven’t mentioned…

    – “All is Lost”
    Robert Redford at almost 80 years-old, gives one of the best non-verbal performances since the silent era!

  2. Visitor [Join Now]
    1Midparker [visitor]

    The Wolf of Wall Street

  3. Visitor [Join Now]
    Kewana [visitor]


  4. Visitor [Join Now]
    George B. Feist (DUKE) [visitor]


  5. Visitor [Join Now]
    Minerboyd [visitor]

    Frozen, I think this is one of the best Disney movies made since Walt was alive.

  6. Member [Join Now]

    It would have been “The Wolf Of Wall Street” until we saw it, now we will pick “Frozen”.