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Redbox New Releases for July 21, 2009

17 Responses to “Redbox New Releases for July 21, 2009”

  1. Member [Join Now]
    jakoblin [jakoblin]

    Interesting , 4 days early for this info , does micheal work for red box ?

  2. Member [Join Now]

    I guess coraline or echelon conspiracy is not coming out at redbox.

  3. Member [Join Now] []

    What’s Up no coraline or echelon conspiracy anothe week I have to go buy
    movies thats not right. nola

    • Visitor [Join Now]
      Barbara [visitor]

      Check out Blockbuster–they have cheap rentals—$2.oo for new release!!!

      • Visitor [Join Now]
        Mark [visitor]

        That’s based completely on where you are, it’s not everywhere. BB is experimenting with various pricing in diferent places. Two weeks ago I was at my local store, which is corporate owned not franchised, and they did not have the $2 new release / $1 older ones which I have heard about. I asked and they had heard about pricing changes weren’t sure what the final would be or when.

  4. Visitor [Join Now]
    Crusty [visitor]

    I’m sure Coraline will be there…its from Universal so those usually come a day or two later.

    • Visitor [Join Now]
      Mark [visitor]

      Actually, most Universal releases are very slow or never come to redbox at all. The two companies are currently in court fighting each other. Universal thinks $1 a night rentals cut into DVD sales and wants Redbox to give them a very sweet deal including a high percentage of rental income, or they will forbid their distributors from selling to Redbox. Universal releases will probably be rare at Redbox until the lawsuits are resolved.

      • Visitor [Join Now]
        Crusty [visitor]

        Actually Mark I have gotten most all of the bigger ones there…just a few days late. They are probably just using alternate sources to get the stuff….causing delays. I have read all the stories and know what’s going on.

        It’s fine with me….I think I can wait a couple days…lol

  5. Member [Join Now]
    JFlamini [jflamini]

    Anybody know if there is a new code for today? Thanks.

  6. Visitor [Join Now]
    chris [visitor]

    where is family guy vol. 7? they always have family guy volumes in redbox.

  7. Member [Join Now]
    That One Guy [that-one-guy]

    Has anyone heard of “DVDfab 5.0” ?

  8. Member [Join Now]

    Hello,Yes it is a great website. You purchase the program, which is anywhere from $39.99-$49.99.Then you download it & you can copy any dvd & burn it to your own dvd collection. Good Luck.

  9. Member [Join Now]

    Watchmen is not listed in either redbox in my town. It’s not even listed as out of stock. Does anyone know what’s up?

  10. Visitor [Join Now]
    crze8 [visitor]

    I rented watchmen and horsemen at the redbox at my local wal-mart.