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images (2)Known as “Netflix for Piracy,” Popcorn Time has had some interesting times in its short existence. Using a slick, Netflix-type interface that is downloaded to devices, Popcorn Time allows users to access a large library of movie titles for free by streaming illegal content in the form of BitTorrent files.
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The app was closed down over the weekend by its creators, but has started back up again. Popcorn Time claims that it shouldn’t be held liable for any copyright infringement issues.
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According to its anonymous makers:

“Popcorn Time doesn’t host any copyrighted content, the app is based in a decentralised model, working with services that already exist and are used daily by millions of people worldwide,”

Mark Mulligan, an analyst and co-founder of Midia Consulting, believes that Netflix and its Hollywood content providers should keep a very close eye on Popcorn Time:

“The next stage of piracy, and one rights holders need to be really worried about, is when the pirates start behaving like the rest of the internet and start making great user experiences.”

If it is allowed to survive the wrath of Hollywood’s inevitable lawyer assault, do you think Popcorn Time and its free access has a chance to capture a real chunk of the business of Netflix and other streamers?

[via the BBC]

3 Responses to “Popcorn Time Lives on as the ‘Netflix for Piracy’”

  1. Visitor [Join Now]
    Leis karcher [visitor]

    This is bullshit. These sites that are allowed to stay up because they claim they don’t host it when there only goal is to direct people to the illegal hosting sites. It’s like the guy that stands at the corner and pints you out to the drug dealers. He’s still liable!

    • Visitor [Join Now]
      charles pilcher [visitor]

      by law you are able to make a backup copy of any movie you own.yet they make it harder and harder to back them up.this is how those services get around you want to end that excuse require that they give me a new copy for free of any disk i have that becomes unplayable.oh wait than they can’t sell me a new copy,oh i is okay for them to rip of consumers silly me.see simple fix to the the way if you buy a digital video and you lose the account you bought it with you lose the video.want to guess how much consumers lose?

  2. Visitor [Join Now]
    Matt T. [visitor]

    The implication that Hollywood is “making great user experiences” is hilarious.