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You’ve got to hand it to Netflix CEO Reed Hastings: he doesn’t hold back. The famously outspoken executive, who has presided over the rise, fall and revival of Netflix, says that his company wants to double or triple the subscriber count of rival HBO. If this goal comes to pass, Netflix could count as many as 90 million domestic subscribers to HBO’s 30 million.

Hastings has a released a presentation entitled “Netflix Business Opportunity”, in which he remarks that HBO, which currently has about 30 million U.S. subscribers, has many disadvantages against Netflix. Says Hastings:

“Netflix USA should grow to 2-3x of HBO,”

Hastings cites Netflix’s unbundled nature, wider content selection and personalized user interface as reasons that it will double or triple HBO’s subscriber count.

Hastings echoes his earlier statement that HBO remains Netflix’s “most direct” competitor, but also names Hulu Plus, Amazon Prime and “large new entrants willing to invest heavily in content, marketing and technology” as additional competitors. The upcoming Redbox/Verizon streaming venture could easily fall into the “large new entrants” category.
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How accurate do you think Hastings’ prognostication skills will prove to be, Insiders? Will there eventually be nearly 100 million Netflix subscribers in the U.S.?

(via GigaOm)

One Response to “Netflix’s Hastings: We Should Grow to 2-3 Times the Size of HBO”

  1. Member [Join Now]

    Nice ego, buddy.