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imagesMuch has been made of the direct access deal that Netflix reluctantly signed with Comcast three months ago.
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What can’t be disputed is the fact that Netflix subscribers who use Comcast as their internet service provider are seeing dramatically increased speeds.
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FromĀ The Consumerist:

“…in the short time since Comcast speeds bottomed out at the barely watchable 1.51 Mpbs back in January, they have nearly doubled to 2.77 Mbps. This makes Comcast the third-fastest major ISP in the U.S. (behind Cablevision and Cox) and the fourth-fastest when you include Google Fiber. These are also faster speeds than Comcast customers have ever seen in the time that Netflix has been publicly posting this data.”

Grumble as it may, Netflix must admit that its Comcast-subscribing customers are seeing an improvement in their experience. Do you think some of Netflix’s recent price hike isa result of the fees Netflix is having to pay to Comcast, Verizon, and possibly others for this kind of speed?

[via The Consumerist]

5 Responses to “Netflix Subscribers on Comcast Continue to See Speed Increase”

  1. Member [Join Now]
    Danofive0 [danofive0]

    Yup! ConCrap did a strong arm deal to make Netflix pay them.
    And you just watch.. When ConCrap get’s Time Warner. And they will.
    Then they will pull the same deal. Only it will be the people that must use ConCrap that will pay up the A$$. They will start a Cap on your net use..
    Then pull the A,B,C bit as I call it..
    A. The Net for everyday use. $75.00 a month. Not good for watching NetFlix/Amazon/Hulu/RedBox. And all.
    B. Everyday fast Net. $135.00 a month. Ok for watching NetFlix and all. But Not that good. It will jump. Stop/Go. Be slow..
    And then.
    C. The supper Fast Net… $170.00 a month. Really good for watching NetFlix and all the rest.
    If you really think the FCC is going to stop this. DREAM on..
    They are all payed off, bought and just blowing hot air. To make people thing they are doing something..
    ConCrap will be come BIG CRAP Cable Co soon.
    And then rip everyone off blind.
    If you think I am full of it. Fine.. See me in about 6- months to a year..

  2. Visitor [Join Now]
    Mcgarret5-0 [visitor]

    The increase is due to content costs. Netflix has always been paying someone for network. This “concrap” cost is either equal or less then they always paid

    Netflix is just unhappy that they cannot get free peering without building a comparative network to justify free peering

  3. Member [Join Now]
    Danofive0 [danofive0]

    Keep in mind. Concrap is doing this so they can tell the FCC how good things will be . If they get Crap Warner. And the FCC like fools they are will buy it..
    Then when ConCrap gets Crap Warner. Then the shit will hit the fan.
    So be ready to bend over and smile.
    Its very simple. If the Government is in it. you can bet you will get screwed.

  4. Visitor [Join Now]
    Pablito [visitor]

    I agree with Dano, the more these ISP’s own the worse it will be for consumers. The involvement of the FCC will not benefit anyone but those with the deep pockets. The internet should be unregulated and uncensored. Greedy cable companies who loose revenue to companies like netflix, hulu, amazon, etc will always look for ways to recoup thier share of the market, no matter what.