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As Netflix’s streaming service continues to grow and its DVD business slowly dwindles, the company will keep bumping into bandwidth issues. To help deal with these issues, Netflix has partnered with tech startup eyeIO, which has developed a video encoding system that it claims will reduce the bandwidth needs of Netflix streams by at least 50 percent.

eyeIO claims that its proprietary encoding system will not only drastically reduce the bandwidth usage of Netflix streaming, but will do so without compromising video or sound quality. An eyeIO spokesperson says that the technology was tested by Netflix this summer and has already begun to be employed.
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Netflix product development VP Greg Peters said the following about Netflix’s new partnership:

“EyeIO technology is an important part of the technology we use to improve video quality and overcome bandwidth challenges presented by internet infrastructure,”

Is eyeIO’s technology the key to helping Netflix reduce its enormous bandwidth footprint?

(via PaidContent)

5 Responses to “Netflix Forms New Partnership to Reduce Bandwidth Usage”

  1. Member [Join Now]

    I am still just not sure if netflix is ever going to accomplish what it needs to in order to hold on. Other services (Amazon, Youtube) have the ability to have fresher content because they are willing to charge what the big movie companies want them to charge. Hulu even with the wasted plus can not keep up with syfy channel, the content is sometimes weeks overdue. I cancelled my netflix subscription because they just where not getting any fresh content to go to Huluplus and then dropped them too. The people making the movies and TV shows do not see the internet as anything more than a marketing tool and a place for video piracy to take place and therefore do not want to put more than clips of your favorite shows on it.
    If one group of people could put out a good set of content and attract a large audience it would make some difference but not enough to get TV networks to just start streaming live content which is what we are all looking for anyway.

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  2. Visitor [Join Now]
    Danofive0 [visitor]

    I have BlockBuster 2 at a time. For $16.50 a month. I get 16 DVDs a month that way. I have NetFlix streaming for the Old Movies and TV shows. And I cut the Cable TV off. 95% of what is on is trash anyway. And I hit RedBox now and then…
    I have all I need for Under $30.00 a month…

  3. Member [Join Now]

    This is great IF it works like it is supposed to; they need to do something about the bandwidth issues.

  4. Member [Join Now]

    Just so you know if you are trying to watch tv episodes or even movies try I use it to keep up on Merlin, which actually has all of season 4 on it already. For you fans that is the current season that they are just now playing on syfy.(because it is a british show, that is seen later over in the US). I also watch the big bang theory there. They have a lot of seasons on there! Just a tip.