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Every week, we offer our readers an opportunity to win free prizes. This week, we’re giving away a Redbox eGift card to a lucky winner!
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We’ve already talked about our favorite December flicks, let’s talk about some December “icks!” What’s the holiday movie you dread coming on the TV at your home or at a Christmas party?

Enter this week’s contest by answering the following question in the comments section.

What’s the worst holiday movie ever?

Again, answer this week’s question simply by entering your email below, and then hit up the comments section and tell us your choice.
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You can also earn extra entries by sharing this giveaway via Facebook and Twitter! The giveaway ends on Sunday, and the randomly chosen winner will receive a free Redbox eGift card.

Good luck, Insiders!

146 Responses to “Freebie Friday “December Icks” Edition. Win a Free Redbox e-Gift Card!”

  1. Visitor [Join Now]
    joan Kaplan [visitor]

    Bad Santa

  2. Member [Join Now]

    Bad Santa

  3. Visitor [Join Now]
    Keri [visitor]

    A Christmas Story

  4. Visitor [Join Now]
    Dale [visitor]

    Jingle All The Way

  5. Visitor [Join Now]
    D'Etta Kelly [visitor]


  6. Visitor [Join Now]
    Joey E [visitor]

    Bad Santa

  7. Visitor [Join Now]
    Nancy in SC [visitor]

    Bad Santa

  8. Visitor [Join Now]
    Phillip Swartz [visitor]

    I would have to say “Santa With Muscles”, Hulk Hogan’s humorless attempt at holiday fare back in 1996. If you like to see Santa as an amnesiac WWE version of the jolly old elf that flexes his muscles and always screams out his lines like he is threatening an opponent, even to little kids, then this movie is for you. Oh, and speaking of kids, most of the children in this movie couldn’t act their way through their 1st grade school Christmas pageant, so how they got into this shlock of a movie is beyond me. Except maybe Mila Kunis, but she was oh, so young, and oh, so naive, but she did her best with what she had to work with. And what was with Ed Begley, Jr.? He played a much better villain in that Star Trek: Voyager 2 parter where Voyager is sent back in time to 20th Century Earth. This movie was such a stinker, I’m surprised anyone involved had careers in Hollywood afterward.

  9. Visitor [Join Now]
    Krista [visitor]

    Bad Santa

  10. Visitor [Join Now]
    Jack Palek [visitor]

    It’s hard to decide. It’s either “Christmas Vacation 2” or “Jingle All The Way 2”.

  11. Visitor [Join Now]
    Vince Randazzo [visitor]

    I rented Red Christmas and that has to be the worst movie I have ever seen. 10 minuted into it I was up doing other things and by the time it ended, I just wanted to get it back into redbox right away!

  12. Visitor [Join Now]
    Kevin [visitor]

    Bad Santa

  13. Visitor [Join Now]
    Joe+G [visitor]

    Santa Claus Conquers the Martians

  14. Visitor [Join Now]
    Vanessa [visitor]

    Any of the Santa Clause movies after the first one. Or the Home Alone sequels.

  15. Visitor [Join Now]
    Kristen w [visitor]

    Bad santa

  16. Member [Join Now]

    Elf is the first thing that popped into my head.

  17. Member [Join Now]
    LynnP [lynnp]

    Bad Santa

  18. Visitor [Join Now]
    Al Stephens [visitor]

    Christmas Vacation

  19. Visitor [Join Now]
    Janet [visitor]

    “Snow Dad.” Moronic from start to finish.

  20. Visitor [Join Now]
    Jeff R [visitor]

    Bad Santa 2

  21. Visitor [Join Now]
    Mike [visitor]

    Jingle All The Way

  22. Visitor [Join Now]
    tod denison [visitor]


  23. Member [Join Now]

    The sound of music.

  24. Visitor [Join Now]
    Hippomania11 [visitor]


  25. Visitor [Join Now]
    Karen D Gartrell [visitor]

    Bad Santa

  26. Member [Join Now]

    The Christmas Story

  27. Visitor [Join Now]
    Rande [visitor]

    Elf :=(

  28. Member [Join Now]
    joe terney [joe-terney]

    Bad Santa

  29. Visitor [Join Now]
    Tammy Taylor [visitor]

    Worst ever holiday movie is “Bad Santa”

  30. Visitor [Join Now]
    Rick Gonzalez [visitor]

    Bad Santa

  31. Visitor [Join Now]
    Dennis [visitor]

    Not sure

  32. Visitor [Join Now]
    Jennifer Scoyni [visitor]

    Bad Santa

  33. Visitor [Join Now]
    Daniel Montague [visitor]

    Jack Frost

  34. Visitor [Join Now]
    Harry [visitor]


  35. Visitor [Join Now]
    Harry [visitor]

    Grandma got runover by a reindeer

  36. Visitor [Join Now]
    Connie [visitor]

    Bad Santa

  37. Visitor [Join Now]
    Veronica [visitor]

    Krampus definitely puts a damper on the holiday spirit, so does surviving Christmas & any of the hallmark romance holiday ones. Yuck

  38. Member [Join Now]

    Santa with muscles sounds awful. That’s my vote.

  39. Visitor [Join Now]
    george lynch [visitor]

    Bad Santa

  40. Member [Join Now]

    Dr. Seuss’ How the Grinch Stole Christmas (2000) – Ugh the horrible Jim Carrey version is the world’s worst movie and cannot light a candle to the gem of the Chuck Jones animated cartoon!