If you’ve got any spare change lying around, Insiders, you might want to check into a new deal being offered by Redbox parent Coinstar.
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Now through the end of the year, Coinstar is waiving its customary 9.8 percent fee for customers who elect to receive the value of their change in gift cards.
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Coinstar is also offering an additional $10 gift card with the offer.
To qualify, you must cash in at least $40 and select a gift card from one of the participating retailers, which include Amazon, iTunes, Borders, Lowe’s, Regal Entertainment and Rixty.
Does Coinstar offer redbox codes for coin redemption?
If not, why doesn’t it get some functioning brain cells and do so!
Sweet! We don’t usually use Coinstar because of the fee, but this is a great opportunity (especially since we’re probably going to be spending a lot of moolah on Christmas gifts)! Time to bust out my husband’s coin jar =) Love gift cards!
“Coinstar is waiving its customary 9.8 percent fee for customers who elect to receive the value of their change in gift cards.” I’ve never been charged a fee when redeeming coins for gift cards at Coinstar machines. The extra $10 is the real news here. Where else can you get a 25% return on your money?
Free coin sorting at TD Bank – no account required – Northeast loacations. Google other such banks – I’m sure you’ll find one near you. No need to support a pay service like Coinstar…
False about TD bank, as of I believe 2 weeks ago they are now charging 5%[?] if you do not have an account. But you can open one with a minimum of 5 dollars deposited. If you’re under 25 ask for a student account because it’s free until you are 25. If you are over cancel it before the year of opening it is up and you won’t be charged any fees and you’ll get your 5 dollars back.