Inside Redbox is the #1 "Unofficial" Redbox Online Community for Redbox Codes, News and more. Inside Redbox is not affiliated with Redbox Automated Retail, LLC.

IMPORTANT: This post is very old (from 2007). To get all of the latest information, visit the homepage here:

I have some exciting information for you in this update, so read through it carefully.

Over the past month I have been working on some changes to the site and also thinking of ways to make things more fun around here. I believe I have finally figured it out, and you are one of the first to find out about it…


First, I want to tell you about some changes to the Codes….

I have removed the old “Markets” that were created over a year ago from the Redbox Codes page, and replaced them now with “States”. Since you can now find a Redbox in most US States, I thought this change would make more sense…
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Also, Redbox has been releasing more “cryptic” codes lately, and they have been working great. So, if you see a weird looking code, don’t dismiss it as fake until you have tried it out.

Some recent new codes are:


Give ’em a try in your area and report back on the Redbox Codes page…

Click here for all Redbox Codes


This week I just want to hear from you on what you think about the recent changes to the Redbox Codes page, as well as what else you might like to see there.

So, leave a comment below and let me know what you think…

Click here and scroll down to leave a comment.


OK, now to the exciting stuff…

This week I am introducing the “InsideRedbox Virtual Treasure Hunt” where you can get cash and other prizes for participating. If I get enough of a response, we will likely do this every week…

So, how does it work?

You will simply visit a website and answer a few questions about information that can be found on that website. It will only take about 5 mins to complete.
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A winner will be chosen from those who answer all of the questions correctly. There is nothing to buy, no offers to complete, and no friends to refer.

This week you will be able to choose from the following prizes:

Option 1: Any 12 DVD Movies of Your Choice
Option 2: 30GB Ipod Video (or 4GB Ipod Nano)
Option 3: $200 Cash

To participate, you will need to have the password from this week’s email update. If you are not subscribed to the weekly updates, you can do so now using the “Redbox Insider Updates” form to the right. The password is found in the “Redbox Update” email.

To begin the hunt, visit the link below (password required):
InsideRedbox Virtual Treasure Hunt – Episode 1

That’s it for this week. I want to send you $200 CASH, so take part in the Treasure Hunt right away!


30 Responses to “Redbox Update – Code changes and $200 Cash…”

  1. Visitor [Join Now]
    REBA GARDNER [visitor]

    I don’t know my password from this weeks e-mail to play Virtual Treasure Hunt-Epsiode 1.

    Will you please e-mail me the password so I can play.

    Reba Gardner

  2. Administrator
    Michael [administrator]

    The password is found within this week’s “Redbox Update” email…

    Take a close look at the email and you will definitely see it there.

  3. Visitor [Join Now]
    Janette [visitor]

    Has anyones else experienced codes not working? I tried 3 brand new codes, and I got the “code has already been used” message on all three. Has redbox changed it so that each code can only be used br one person?

  4. Visitor [Join Now]
    drocket [visitor]

    was wondering why baltimore isnt on the list anymore before under city was under baltimore/washington dc but under states is not listed whats the deleo…the codes was working great in baltimore

  5. Administrator
    Michael [administrator]


    You can now simply use “Maryland” or “Washington DC”, depending on where you live.

    Everything is organized by State now, so there are no cities in the list.

  6. Visitor [Join Now]
    Jennifer [visitor]

    I just did your virtual treasure hunt, very fun. When will we know the results?

  7. Visitor [Join Now]
    Lor [visitor]

    I just LOVE your site. I have great success using the free codes. Even when a code doesn’t work, there are so many more to try. I would like to see a spot for renters to leave “mini-reviews” Keep the codes coming!
    Thanks Lor

  8. Visitor [Join Now]
    Violet [visitor]

    I have an interesting question. I tried to use some of the codes. The message that came up didn’t say the code was invalid, it stated that I had already used the code. Now, if I had used the code, it would be one thing but doesn’t that seem strange?

  9. Visitor [Join Now]
    Shalona [visitor]

    The password for the treasure hunt did not work.

  10. Administrator
    Michael [administrator]

    OK, I want to address a few questions…

    1) The password to the treasure hunt is not working.

    I have had a total of 2 people mention they were having trouble with the password. The first was able to get it working by just trying a few times. I told him it could be cookie related.

    It IS working for most, as we have had many people already take part in the hunt.

    2) When does the hunt end?

    The treasure hunt will end sometime before next Tuesday. I am not sure exactly when, but if you enter the password and it still works, it is not over yet.

    I will notify the winner before next Tuesday, and will announce to everyone who won.

    So keep hunting, and good luck!

  11. Member [Join Now]

    can you email me the codes that works, because everytime I go used the codes, its say always unvalid code. Thank you

  12. Visitor [Join Now]
    Ronnie [visitor]

    Can you enable getting codes via text/email (or SMS), or even via an RSS newsreader for example?

    Sometimes when I’m out it would be useful to be able to send an email to (for example) and have it spit an email back to my phone with 5 or 10 codes…

  13. Visitor [Join Now]
    Derek [visitor]

    Some people have been receiving “Code Already Used” messages when they try to rent a movie. I had this happen to me a couple weeks ago on more than one occasion and more than one Redbox location.

    I thought this was strange when this happened because I hadn’t even swiped my credit card yet. How in the world would they know if I’ve used it or not if they don’t know who I am yet? For those who are receiving these messages. . . My guess is as good as yours. I think Redbox has been having some Internet connection problems recently, which have prevented online rentals and free code usage. Give it a few days and the problem should be fixed.

  14. Visitor [Join Now]
    Karen [visitor]

    Hi Michael,

    I tried to enter the websit for the Virtual hunt with my password but all I got was a blank page. What happened?


  15. Visitor [Join Now]
    Amanda [visitor]

    My password worked and I was able to find all the answers on the link that was listed. Don’t sweat it Micheal…some people just don’t follow directions and READ well.

  16. Visitor [Join Now]
    Chris [visitor]

    Um ya Five minutes on the virtual hunt . . .try more like a half an hour.
    Good luck to all who have entered.

  17. Member [Join Now]

    I just barely found this website. This is a great idea! Thanks, Michael. I was wondering, however, since I am new and just barely signed up for the e-mail update, is there any way you can send this weeks update to me for the treasure hunt? Or am I out of luck this week? Thanks!

  18. Member [Join Now]

    on Mar-23-2007, I also got the message saying I’d already used ALL the codes I tried – before I even swiped my card. doohhhhh I wanted to rent a couple but came away with zero!

  19. Visitor [Join Now]
    Lisa [visitor]

    I was able to use a number of codes, but wasn’t prepared for the almost $100 in late fees that I accrued using them. OUCH. Just know–you will be charged late fees.

  20. Visitor [Join Now]
    Andy [visitor]

    The maximum late fee is only $25 (you own it after that) unless you did not return more than 4 DVDs.

  21. Administrator
    Michael [administrator]

    I am not sure what Lisa means by “late fees”.

    The cost to rent a DVD is $1/day – and after 25 days you own it.

    The code simply gives you 1 day free. So, if you keep it longer than a day, you will definitely be charged. But, these are not “late” fees per se, just the normal $1/day charge for having a DVD out.

    Hope that makes sense.

  22. Visitor [Join Now]
    Emiline [visitor]

    You wrote on 3-21 that you will notify “the” winner, which means to me that there will be only one winner. If more than one person got all the answers correct, shouldn’t they all win, or do you just choose one winner? Just wondering. Thanks.

  23. Member [Join Now]

    How do I get another copy of the redbox update email for treasure hunt password.
    I think it ended up in my junk mail and was deleted.

  24. Visitor [Join Now]
    Lisa [visitor]

    Oh, it totally makes sense…but it’s not what your website read a few weeks ago. You know, the “no late fees” thing.

  25. Visitor [Join Now]
    tvd [visitor]

    I to went to three different Redbox machines (all on my way home from work) and I tried 7 different codes at all the machines starting with “renting with promo code” and every one came back with either “invalid code” or “code already used”. Have you spoken to anyone at Redbox to see why this is happening.
    Aslo I understand that there is only one winner (come on people get real if you think everyone wins) but my question is how will you decide who wins. Was it the first one who responded back with the correct answer/drawing from printed email reply’s………

  26. Administrator
    Michael [administrator]

    The winner has been chosen and is being notified right now.

    We chose the winner randomly from the list of correct answers.

    We will be sending out an update shortly announcing the winner and starting the next contest.

    Stay tuned!

  27. Visitor [Join Now]
    charla jonas [visitor]

    Hello i was hoping to play the virtual treasure hunt, but I forgot my password. Is there any was to get it emailed to me?
    Thank You
    Charla Jonas

  28. Visitor [Join Now]
    Barbara [visitor]

    Does anyone received the free code for Mon? thanks

  29. Member [Join Now]
    Car [car]

    It’s SPAM, it’s a bot that finds open sites it can post to. It may not be possible to block the IP address because they use a bot network that has 1000’s of compromised windows machines. You can thank microsoft and billy boy gates for that one.

    If this thread were removed it would stop it for a while. Another thing would be to change the URL from /codes-and-cash/ to /codes-and-cash2/ on all the references here.

    If a user isn’t logged in a simple extra text box they have to fill in with one word (a static word works because the bots are lame). Next to the box you say please type in the word “hat” in this box to prove you are human. Then test for that word before letting it post.