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Just a quick post to let everyone know that the Bonus Round rebate was sent out today.  Check your email for details.

Feel free to comment if you have any questions.
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Also, the grand prize winner from the bonus round (who received $500) was: jditch

19 Responses to “Christmas Countdown Update – Bonus Round Rebate sent”

  1. Member [Join Now]

    thanks so much! That was an awsome suprise!

  2. Member [Join Now]
    mc.incid [mcincid]

    Well, legally, Michael wrote it up wrong.

    “BONUS ROUND Grand Prize: $1000+* Visa Gift Card

    *The GRAND PRIZE amount is based on how many people participate in this round. For every participant, $2 will be added to the Grand Prize total.”

    Looks like he really meant:

    BONUS ROUND Grand Prize: $1000*+** Visa Gift Card

    *The GRAND PRIZE amount is based on how many people participate in this round. [implied: $1000 expected by not guaranteed]
    **For every participant, $2 will be added to the Grand Prize total. [hard to verify this part because the actual prize is a rounded number, and I doubt Michael’s going to be releasing an itemized list]

    That could potentially be a costly little annotation error.

    I wonder if this is going to get the Chinese censorship treatment. :)

  3. Administrator
    Michael [administrator]

    No censorship here. :)

    I think you are right that the way it was written could be interpreted a couple of ways, but my intention was $2 per entry.

    I will be glad to share a few statistics with you, though…

    Total number of unique entries with the correct answer: 174

    Total number of netflix subscribers: 112

    Total of rebates and prizes paid: $1500

    I think if you do the math you will see that the participants in this round came out ahead. And, thats what we are all about here – giving you more than you expect!

    Have a great day!

  4. Visitor [Join Now]
    daniel [visitor]

    got my 5$ cashback thru paypal.

  5. Member [Join Now]

    i did not recieve anything,and stayed with netflix until yesterday.

  6. Visitor [Join Now]
    Elena [visitor]

    Hi. love your site with codes. One small suggestion – to add also NOTES (comments) when entering coupon code for RedBox, like comment could be – “code valid only for Monday”, “code valid only one per Credit Card”, etc, etc. Would be so helpful!!

  7. Visitor [Join Now]
    bratni [visitor]

    Thanks for the prize. Got from Paypal today.

  8. Visitor [Join Now]
    tanyetta [visitor]

    thank you for the $5 ;)

  9. Visitor [Join Now]
    Brian [visitor]

    I really agree with someone above who said…

    “when entering coupon code for RedBox, like comment could be – “code valid only for Monday”, “code valid only one per Credit Card”, etc, etc. Would be so helpful!!”

    Some codes are only valid at specific places, or have other factors, it would be nice to know what they are.

  10. Visitor [Join Now]
    Rock [visitor]

    What happen to this Weeks new release listing and promo codes? I was not emailed any this week or seen any here?????

  11. Visitor [Join Now]
    Brett [visitor]

    I’m glad others got the prize but I STILL have not gotten anything that I was promised and I participated. What a joke!

  12. Visitor [Join Now]
    Vicki [visitor]

    I got my 5 bucks on Paypal and spent it already!! Thanks!!

  13. Visitor [Join Now]
    jrule [visitor]

    hi ..i also entered the correct code and participated in the contest. Still haven’t gotten anything …

  14. Administrator
    Michael [administrator]

    Brett and jrule,

    You’ve got mail.

  15. Visitor [Join Now]
    Nick [visitor]

    I also had participated in the contest, but have yet to receive the Bonus rebate.

  16. Visitor [Join Now]
    Nick [visitor]

    Thanks! I just received the rebate. I did have a few problems submitting the answer, so I clicked it a few times to make sure.

  17. Visitor [Join Now]
    jrule [visitor]

    Great …got the email :)
    thanks for the $5

  18. Visitor [Join Now]
    Cindy D [visitor]

    I participated in this promo and doubled checked to make sure, but I have yet to receive anything.

  19. Member [Join Now]

    I don’t remember recieving anything either.I participated in the bonus round, but didn’t get anything about $5.oo or any thing else. I did get my two free weeks of netflix though.