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Blu-ray Disc Sales up 35% in 2011

Things may be looking grim for the stodgy old DVD, but the format’s shiny younger sibling is still going strong. Blu-ray disc sales have surged over the last few months, and the format looks like it will end the year up 35% over its 2010 sales.

Futuresource analyst Jim Bottoms sais that Blu-ray is projected to move about 115 million units in the U.S. in 2011, up from 85 million last year. Europe should see even stronger growth for the format, with sales increasing 42% to 63 million units.

Bottoms believes that strong and growing consumer interest in BD will lead to manufacturers chopping stand-alone DVD players from their product lineups:

“We’re getting to the price point now where CE manufacturers won’t make a DVD player and a Blu-ray player . . . There’s no point in having double inventory.
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Did you take the Blu-ray plunge in 2011, Insiders? Will you anytime soon? Let us know in the comments.

(via Home Media Magazine)

4 Responses to “Blu-ray Disc Sales up 35% in 2011”

  1. Member [Join Now]

    I have a blu-ray player in my PS3 but I rarely use it.

  2. Visitor [Join Now]
    marissadad [visitor]

    I’ve had a Blu-Ray player for about 15 months now, but have only purchased 4 discs, and that was due to the fact that I really, really wanted them and they only cost $5.

  3. Visitor [Join Now]
    Chad [visitor]

    I’ve been a Blu-ray user since June 2008 and was using HD-DVD before that. I have a 107″ screen and sit 10.5′ feet away. For most titles, the difference is hugely visible. A lot of folks have screens that are too small and/or they sit too far away to really benefit from the higher resolution of Blu-ray. The HD audio side of BD is good too, but I’ve never been able to really tell that much difference. Partially because it’s hard to do true A/B comparisons as a lot of times the difference between the audio on a DVD and on a BD may be mostly due to a different master/mix.

  4. Visitor [Join Now]
    Maggie [visitor]

    I have a PS3, and we have about 20 blurays. But we still have hundreds of DVDs and we won’t be switching them over unless the movie is one of our favorites and will really benefit from the visual update. Some special effects DON’T need to be seen in 1080 p you know what I mean?