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download (20)Your days of riffling through stacks of DVDs at Best Buy may be numbered.
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In a reflection of the realities of home entertainment retail these days, Best Buy’s CEO has stated that physical discs are going to get a further reduced footprint in his company’s stores.

Once upon a time, DVD, Blu-rays, CDs, and video games took up about 20 percent of Best Buy’s floor space.
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With the rise of more profitable smartphones, tablets, and appliances, company CEO and president Hubert Joly says that the times are a’ changing:

“I love these categories … but that was 10 years ago . . . And of course the Tuesday release is not a factor anymore, is not a driver anymore. So the floor space optimization project again is to shrink these categories and emphasis the categories where we can grow.”

The “Tuesday” release Joly refers to is the typical weekly launch day of the latest movies, music, and games, which is not the “line up at the door” event it once was.

Is it a big deal to you to lose the tactile pleasure of physically shopping for entertainment, or have you already moved on?

[via Home Media Magazine]

9 Responses to “Best Buy to Further Cut Back on Physical Media Floor Space”

  1. Visitor [Join Now]
    DanoFive0 [visitor]

    Best Buy will be no buy soon. I have not been to a Best Buy for a time now.
    I think they will go under in the next year are so. Unless something big happens with them. But I don’t see it. But this is just me! They will go the way of CC.. Out of Bus…

  2. Visitor [Join Now]
    I ? Mz Buttaworth [visitor]

    I see them going out of bizness soon. They been on life support for awhile now. Only a matter. Of time before they flat line ????????

  3. Member [Join Now]

    How are they going to fill up all that space with smart phones and tablets? I like browsing but Best Buy is signifcantly out of my way.

  4. Visitor [Join Now]
    Thomas [visitor]

    Best Buy hasn’t been a good place to buy media for years. It’s almost always cheaper to buy elsewhere.

  5. Member [Join Now]

    Its also cheaper to buy everything else they sell from other online retailers. Phone/service, media players, tablets, even A/V electronics are available for less when bought from a wholly online supplier. Sears usually has a better selection of household appliances and they sell them for less as do Lowe’s and Home Depot.

    I haven’t been to a Best Buy store in about 5 years. They are about to go the way of Service Merchandise.

  6. Visitor [Join Now]
    Carson [visitor]

    I think BB will be around a long time. The only time I buy from there is when they happen to have a laptop or tablet or phone cheaper than other places, but when I go, it is full of people that I assume don’t know how to shop around online. The teens and people that don’t know how or care to compare online just go there to browse and spend money, and that is why they are still in business.

  7. Visitor [Join Now]
    Jamie [visitor]

    I like to go look around there especially if there is a specific tv i may order online i still like to see it in the store, but I can’t remember the last time I bought something in a BB. Probably been since Christmas and even then I didn’t go in the store at all. I still don’t understand why they have CDs.

  8. Member [Join Now]
    John [jsmurd]

    I agree that Best Buy’s days are coming to an end. Just the name is ironic because Best Buy is usually the Worst Buy when it comes to prices.

  9. Member [Join Now]
    Shemp Howard [shemp-howard]

    Sad, but BB’s time has come and gone. The obituaries are inevitable. Shame because BB was an innovator in using IT analysis for marketing. Fro many years, its flyer was always the first thing I looked at in the Sunday newspaper.

    Everyone forgets how instrumental BB was in breaking new brands especially the South Korean ones. I doubt if LG, Samsung Daewoo or Zalman would be as successful if not for BB.
