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Apple may soon be battling its erstwhile ally Google for dominance in the living room. While the two have been tussling for months now with their iPhone/Android rivalry, a new report says that set-top boxes may be the next battlefield for these two tech titans.

Engadget, citing a tip confirmed by “a source very close to Apple” is reporting that the next version of Apple TV will be much smaller and sleeker and could compete directly with Google’s upcoming Google TV platform.

According to Engadget, the new Apple TV will be “based directly on the iPhone 4, meaning it will get the same internals, down to that A4 CPU and a limited amount of flash storage — 16GB to be exact — though it will be capable of full 1080p HD.” The small device, described as an “iPhone without a screen” will reportedly adopt the iPhone operating system and retail for $99.

Whether or not the new device will support App Store content by virtue of its iPhone OS is not known. The new Apple TV’s relatively scant internal storage means that content will likely be “cloud” based (stored remotely) or kept on other devices in owners’ homes. If the new Apple TV is not only able to access users’ iTunes content, but also make use of such iPad apps as the Netflix and ABC streaming apps, the new device could definitely see some increased market share and give the Google TV a run for its money.

Which side of the line being drawn for living room dominance do you find yourselves on, Insiders?
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Are you an early adopter who will pick up one or both of the Google and Apple devices, or will you wait to see what happens when some of the initial dust has settled?
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(via Engadget and TechCrunch)

2 Responses to “Report: New Apple TV Could Battle Against Google TV”

  1. Member [Join Now]
    MovieWatcherSupreme [moviewatchersupreme]

    The great battle. Google VS Apple. Currently I do not find myself on either side of this debate, being that I have neither the interests nor budget to use one of these devices. I am not a big fan of the giant iPod (the iPad). I have a theory that the Google device will be considerably cheaper, not just for initial price, but additional costs and such. I am the owner of a MacBook now, and it seems that everything Apple is unnecessarily expensive. Apple natives will probably go with Apple TV. Everyone else is probably gonna go for the Google TV.

  2. Visitor [Join Now]
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