Here is your Monday promo code for today:
Expires tonight (Mon, April 6) at midnight Central Time.
Want some FREE Easter Candy? Click Here…
Here is your Monday promo code for today:
Expires tonight (Mon, April 6) at midnight Central Time.
Want some FREE Easter Candy? Click Here…
thank you thank you thank you redbox
Thank you Redbox in these trying times with money the way it is, Thanks for letting us have a free movie for the night. We really do enjoy our Redbox….
thank you redbox————————-
I want to thank Redbox for all th movies. THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks you so much. This is my first promo. I’m not sure what to do.
The first thing you should know is that you cannot use a promo code with an internet reservation. So it is first come, first served.
To use a promo code, on the starting screen, press the area marked “Rent with Promo Code”. It will ask you for the code. If it is valid, it will take you to the movie selection screen where you can select any movie that is available. The rest of the process is the same. You need to swipe your credit or debit card at the end so they know who has the movie. That is it.
You can only get one movie per code on your account with any given promo code. The Monday codes can be shared with friends and family.
thank you so much! I went to walmart and it said the code was invalid.
I hope the code on wednesday works.
I don’t think there will be a code today BUT>>>If you have never, ever, ever, truly rented with a promo code before use REDBOX for your first free rental.
It is very important you use it before you use a code a second time as it is for people using a promo code for THE FIRST TIME ONLY.Good Luck
I tried to use the code, but I got a message saying the code had expired. that was at a Kroger around 5pm Monday. What did I do wrong?
The only thing I can think of is you typed it in wrong, but it should have said “invalid”. The other errors I’ve seen are “not valid at this location” and if you swipe your card and already used the card before “code already used”.
I did not know there were any Redboxes in Kroger stores. I thought Kroger had Moviecube (The New Release) kiosks only. Interesting….what city and state was this kiosk located in?
thanks redbox
Anybody hear from the Wed free code?Thanks in advance and I appreciate the free codes!
The Wednesday codes were for the month of March so there aren’t any more now for awhile. I’m sure they’ll do it again but no one knows when.
does anyone know if there will be any codes for the month of april and if so what day? new to this never used a code before.
Did anyone try MMM408 today yet.
will hat work for today
thanks for the head up
where is wed. code?
Are you really that ignorant? What makes people think that there is an obligation from Redbox, or this site, to constantly supply them with a free code. As was stated all through the month of March. THE WEDNESDAY CODE WAS FOR MARCH ONLY!!!! (and the first week of April due to an issue pertaining to the first week of March). There is no WEDNESDAY CODE ANYMORE!!!!
Boy, that’s a pretty hostile response. I don’t see how that was appropriate at all. Maybe you should put in a movie and relax for a while before your blood pressure spikes and your heart explodes. Chilllllllllllll……….
BTW, I don’t recall anyone saying that they thought REDBOX had an obligation to do anything. Now go be a jerk elsewhere.
i dont think tht was appropriate it was a question that was concerning everyone and they were expecting a nicer and calmer response than an ass trying to be cruel. all you had to say was that there was no more codes for wednesday due to redbox was doing somthing speacial for their customers instead of the way you said it so try to be nicer next time or dont post anything at all
thank you
MARCH!! MARCH Movie Madness, it was called. Wednesday code was for MARCH ONLY!
The word March was on the title of the threads for it.
Every time it was posted, at the top it said “March Movie Madness”.
I found and used a wednesday code online
It will continue through ALL of April
This guy has no idea what he’s talking about, do not listen to his lies
It was a more than generous offering, and I, for one, will continue to use RedBox and pay my $1.00/day. Even that is quite generous.
Thank You Redbox!
What happened to the Wednesday April 8th code..It never came out ?
I hope that you are kidding.
Word. Haha
It never came out because it never existed.
Weird because I found and used it
Wednesday codes will continue through the ENTIRE month of April you just have to look for them
No you didn’t because they don’t exist. If you supposedly found them online why don’t you say where you found them? Because they don’t exist that’s why. They had one for the first Wednesday in April to make up for a mistake on an earlier code in March but that was the only one in April.
No sharing with you slew of haters
That’s because you have NOTHING to share!
Thanks to those who made it possibe for us penny pinchers a.ka unemployed people something to look forward.God Bless and Peace
Here is the link for your Monday promo code for today. Don’t forget to look
for another code on Wednesday…
That was the exact words that I received in my email on wednesday. Maybe that is why people thought there was to be a code for Wednesday. I just signed up on monday, so I wasn’t here in March. I wouldn’t have known the codes were for Wednesdays in March. So, by reading this email, I was looking for a code on Wednesday.
I hope this clears things up. Remember, lets be kind to one another.
That’s what it said on my Monday , April 6th ,email also–don’t forget to check your email for Wed. code –so I can understand the confusion for those new to the site. Anyone know why some promo codes you punch in at the beginning, and the screen will say right away that the code was already used. Other promo codes you punch in at the beginning, it accepts the code, the screen with movies comes up for you to choose one, you do, it comes up that cost is $1.00 minus the $1.00 promo code used and that there is a zero balance. BUT THEN you swipe your debit or credit card and it THEN says that that promo code already used– even when you know YOU have never, ever used that promo code. It did this for me for 5DZ2RNW, X7GR27X, QVGFXXN, etc. Just seems if the promo code was a one time use (for one specified person and their credit or debit card only) that it would say so immediately when you punch the code in instead of letting you go through the whole thing of choosing a dvd, the screen saying a zero balance because promo code used, and then AFTER you swipe your card, put in email, your zipcode–it then saying promo code already used.
Youz guyz are just not looking hard enough
Use this site for one month think you can say whatever you want and you know it all
I will be enjoying my wednesday codes for weeks to come so be kind to deez nuts
You don’t HAVE any NUTS! And you’re obviously a pathological liar! You have NO Wednesday codes and you have NO nuts!! It’s sad when a person just can’t admit they are wrong. Oh well, just keep living in your little fantasy world with your little fantasy codes. Oh and by the way WHO thinks they know it all? Sounds like you’re the one that thinks they know it all!
Try to remember………. If you go to a theater, you’ll pay between $8.50 – $10.50 @ person. If you rent from Blockbuster, you’ll pay $4-$5 @ movie. If you order from Netflix, you join according to how many movies you want in a month………. BUT, IF YOU RENT FROM REDBOX, IT’S A BUCK ($1) A MOVIE!!
And if you’re lucky enough to receive a promo code, then it’s free……..
It just doesn’t get any better than that.
For crying out loud, we’re retired and the week that all those “great” movies came out, I couldn’t get to the kiosk fast enough to “rent” for a buck (1$) four “great” movies on a Tuesday….. Much, Much cheaper than “anywhere” else!! So let’s not cut our nose off to spite our face. In other words, if you get a promo code….. super! great! And if you don’t, jeees, it’s only a buck.
Thanks for this site! I’m new to this, but plan to take advantage of it. I also did a post about it on my blog: The Juggling Homemaker. I’ll be back often!
You’re just trying to get traffic to your blog site, pathetic!
Has anyone looked at their bank statements?
Even though I have used the free code on last Monday, Redbox still charged me.
It’s probably the $1 hold. If tax isn’t included like $1.07 then it’s the hold and it will come off soon.
Redbox is the best thing to come about since Apple Pie! Multiple locations, good movie choices, easy to use! I`ll never go to a video rental store again…….!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks Redbox…:)