Inside Redbox is the #1 "Unofficial" Redbox Online Community for Redbox Codes, News and more. Inside Redbox is not affiliated with Redbox Automated Retail, LLC.

As Redbox continues to grow, so does its coverage in the media. The Seattle Times has run a story detailing Redbox’s ascendancy, its competitors, its relationships with studios and retailers, and its future plans. The story includes commentary from Coinstar chief Paul Davis and Redbox president Mitch Lowe, and is worth a read for Redbox fans. Here are some highlights:

Coinstar CEO Paul Davis on Redbox’s success as it pushes towards 30,000 kiosks by year’s end:

“We can do in 12 square feet what Blockbuster did in about 2,000 square feet . . . It’s almost become a verb — ‘We’re going to Redbox tonight.’ ”

Davis on rival kiosk operator NCR (Blockbuster Express):

“We’re not losing any accounts to them. In fact, we just took an account from them [with St. Louis-based Schnucks Markets],”

Redbox president Mitch Lowe on the company installing new kiosks near former Movie Gallery and Hollywood Video locations:

“It’s sad when a retailer goes out of business, but you do look for alternatives . . . We may add more kiosks in those areas to make sure that as we gain customers, we create a really great experience and don’t run out of stock.
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Davis on Redbox’s future plans, which include Blu-ray rental and a digital delivery strategy tentatively scheduled for an October roll out:

“Consumers have told us they’re interested in a broader range of titles, so they might pay a flat fee and get so many kiosk rentals, and so many digital downloads on older movies . . . [Our digital plan won’t be a me-too strategy.] If it’s exactly like Netflix, then why do it?”

(via The Seattle Times)

24 Responses to “Coinstar CEO: ‘Redbox’ Becoming a Verb”

  1. Member [Join Now]

    It’s Schnucks… I live in the market area.

    To be honest… I used to rent from Red Box a LOT. Now I find that I go to the BBExpress at the gas station on the corner a lot more frequently. They have new releases earlier than RB.

  2. Visitor [Join Now]
    John Small [visitor]

    I have heard kids calling each other Redboxes but i don’t think it was a term of endearment.

    Redbox = Cheap, pathetic loser.

    Seems like an appropriate use of the term.

    • Visitor [Join Now]
      Farva [visitor]

      It’s funny that you gave the same definition for Redbox that most people on here give you.

      • Visitor [Join Now]
        Movie King [visitor]

        True that. If this were an election Small would be miniscule. Guess to a bottom-feeder any attention is good attention.

    • Visitor [Join Now]
      Vernon Dent [visitor]

      For those of a certain age…

      redbox is derogatory slang for first a nation woman. :(

    • Visitor [Join Now]
      firstlawofnature [visitor]

      Bitter, bitter, bitter.

      It brings me pleasure to know that for all your anger there isn’t a thing you can do to stop redbox from sprouting up ALL OVER THE PLACE.

      Figure out a way to save people money and the world will beat a path to your door.

      • Visitor [Join Now]
        John Small [visitor]

        Stop being such a Redbox FLON.

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        shutthef@@@up [visitor]

        firstlawofnature why don’t you go start your own blog.It is getting so old listening to you. You think your opinions are important to people but no one cares what you have to say because it’s the same bullshit over and over and over and over and over and over. Why don’t you just shut the fu k up for five fu king minutes go outside enjoy the day. quit hawking the computer for fear that someone might say something bad about the company you work for or invest in. After awhile your retoric gets old. your like a polititian untrustable because of your affiliations.

        • Visitor [Join Now]
          firstlawofnature [visitor]

          Store owner/supporter,

          Yeah the contribution from your friend is much better…

          ‘Redbox = Cheap, pathetic loser.’

          Very balanced.

      • Visitor [Join Now]
        shutthef@@@up [visitor]

        firstlawofnature thank god you are here to protect everyone. your like batman except different you try and save the world from the evil john small. did you ever think maybe if you’d shut the fu k up others would to. half of what you say is just bullshit anyway so go find something to do and let the real public have this forum.

        • Visitor [Join Now]
          firstlawofnature [visitor]

          Do you have anything intelligent/on topic to say?

          • Visitor [Join Now]
            shutthef@@@up [visitor]

            yeah the topic is you post to much. if you got so much to say go start your own damn forum. I know I speak for more then just me when I say give it a fu king rest. We get it you love redbox as it’s lineing your pockets. Go enjoy your money and enough with the constant posting. It’s funny you say so I have anything on topic to say that’s all you do is go off topic trying to play slap and tickle with john small. get a life your comments are stale and they really are becomming annoying so I ask you again let this forum be for the public and dry up and blow away……

          • Visitor [Join Now]
            firstlawofnature [visitor]

            So it is a forum right? Should it only allow foul mouthed d-bags like you that know nothing about the subject matter?

            You’re easy to sniff out. No doubt you are in agreement w/ JS that Redbox = Cheap, pathetic loser or you would have taken a different tact w/ fans of the service.

          • Visitor [Join Now]
            shutthef@@@up [visitor]

            Are you saying that your just a fan you lieing piece of shit. A fan does not sit around and post 10 seperate times a day hundreds of times a month. A fan just goes and rents a movie and watches it. What you are is a damn redbox employee that has nothing better to do then astro turf this website to the point where no one else wants to make comments. your comments are old so once again i never said anything about redbox=cheap,pathetic loser. what i said is yo firstlawofnature are a pathetic loser who has nothing better to do then sit around day after day posting on this website because you think your opinion matters. You see if you had such a great mind and such great opinions you sure as hell wouldn’t be wasting your time making comments ob a forum for free codes.

          • Visitor [Join Now]
            firstlawofnature [visitor]

            Yawn. Still nothing intelligent to say I see. Take care d-bag.

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          shutthef@@@up [visitor]

          firstlawofnature you see normal people just don’t keep hitting refresh on there computer to see if anyone responded to their comments. that’s what lonely people do. come out of the closet, find a porn site, go outside find something to do other then hangout on this website. that my friend is pathetic

          • Visitor [Join Now]
            RunninWild [visitor]

            seems like all of you guys are here just as often as FLON if you keep track of how long HE is here so it makes no sense for you to rag on him.

            Regardless, I agree with you FLON that a guy like John Small so resents redbox for essentially exposing Hollywood and making them accountable for what they put out there.
            I do find truth in what he says as far as redbox reducing the value of a DVD and how that will in turn topple the mighty industry called Hollywood but I bet he and all the others don’t mind using ATM’s all the time or maybe using IPASS on the tollways or any of hundreds of automated options for what USED to be done by a real person. All those industries had to change and people lost their jobs to a cheaper option. What makes Hollywood and moviemaking more important than any other industry? And if it gets bled dry and dies because of redbox then redbox can just move on and automate something else…or the guys in charge can cash in and walk away. That’s buisness folks…I highly doubt that any executive at a studio shed a tear when a cost cutting move THEY made cost jobs. Decsions are made every day at studios and every other big business by a CEO who is just looking out for his short term goal, regardless of the long term effects. You guys are all pissed because you didn’t see it coming. I learned it the hard way myself….live and learn.

  3. Visitor [Join Now]
    rb [visitor]

    So like what, 5 years ago no one even heard of Redbox; it was all Blockbuster, Movie Gallery, etc. NOW, everyone seems to knows what Redbox is, even granny and grandpa. I know this because there are retirement and assisted-living homes where I live and it seems on Tuesdays the grannys and grandpas’ Access van pulls up to the Redbox kiosks and you see them at the kiosks choosing movies–most with their caregivers on hand to return the dvds next day for them! (Actually Redbox should put kiosks in the Retirement/assisted living homes community). Just like people now say they want ‘jello’ for dessert when what they basically mean is any kind of gelatin, it’s becoming when people say ‘let’s Redbox tonight’ what they mean is let’s rent a movie…HOWEVER, since there are 30,000 Redbox kiosks they are definitely referring to RENTING THAT MOVIE AT REDBOX!!! Redbox tapped into the largest segment of customers/renters: people who have decided since they only utilize a movie/dvd once or twice for them it is not worth buying; people who want or need the convenience of multi local rental kiosks/locations; people who want or need low cost rentals BECAUSE for them low cost price is just as or even more important than the actual immediate availability/selection of movies. They just want a movie to watch now and then and don’t need much more than an inexpensive evening of entertainment. REDBOX was wise to realize that this is the largest segment of customers, and therefore, Redbox tapped into their needs and because of this has become the largest and most successful dvd rentailer! This largest segment of customers didn’t have a choice before low-cost convenient Redbox came on the scene, and that’s why this, the largest segment of renters, flocked to Redbox once Redbox realized and met their basic needs.

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      shutthef@@@up [visitor]

      you to RB go the hell outside and quit hawking your computer. there is a great big world out there. hell find a women, work off some of that fat around your belly from sitting infront of your computer day after day. your opinions do not matter as much to people as you like to think they do. enjoy your time off from stocking the redbox machines and vet a life fatboy

  4. Visitor [Join Now]
    deepdiver [visitor]

    You need to edit/delete all off topic comments like these guys throw on here. Opinion is one thing, but this back and forth really decreases the value of the comments blog.

  5. Visitor [Join Now]
    Your Braveheart [visitor]

    I don’t chat–don’t visit rooms like this–so my observation is just that. We used to say that idle hands are the devils workshop–after reading here I definitely think that term was ahead iof it’s time—-but has arrived.